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Countertransference is a term in psychotherapy, denoting a condition where the therapist, as a result of the therapy sessions, begins to transfer the therapist's own repressed feelings to the patient.

It is also defined as the entire body of feelings that the therapist has toward the patient.

Countertransference is defined in oppositon to transference, where a person in therapy begins to transfer feelings to the therapist.

For example, the person in therapy may begin to look at the therapist as if the therapist were the patient's mother, transferring their feelings for the real mother to the therapist.

This is considered a positive sign in psychoanalytic therapy, showing that the patient is making progress.

In On Becoming a Counselor, Eugene Kennedy states that countertransferencehas the potential to be present in any counseling relationship.

He states that it is often one of the biggest challenges for a new counselor to overcome, and while there is no way to totally overcome the problem of counter-transference learning to not let countertransferenceaffect a counseling relationship is key.

The mantra "only connect" is often associated with this effect.