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A Lacanian Plea for Fundamentalism

155 bytes added, 04:09, 19 April 2019
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This is an audio recording of a talk/lecture by Slavoj Žižek.
‘A Lacanian Plea for Fundamentalism’ by Slavoj Žižek | 18. September 2000 | Audio
“Let me begin with a brief introduction to the notion of the so-called “big other” as the symbolic substance of being, as it were the symbolic space within which we human beings dwell. People usually think about symbolic rules regulating social interaction, but I think it is much more productive to focus on another aspect of what Lacan calls the “big other”. The intricate cobweb of unwritten implicit rules. Their never explicitly stated, if you state them explicitly you even usually commit some kind of crime or violation. This is what always interest me, how what holds communities together are not explicit rules but the unwritten rules which are even prohibited to announce publicly.
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