List of Algebraic Symbols

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The algebraic symbols used by Lacan, which appear principally in the mathemes, schema l and the graph of desire, are listed below, together with their most common meaning.

However, it is important to remember that the symbols do not always refer to the same concept throughout Lacan's work, but are used in different ways as his work develops.

Therefore some caution should be exercised when referring to the following list of equivalences.

The List of Algebraic Symbols

A the big Other
A the barred Other
a (see objet petit a
a' (see objet petit a

1. (before 1957) the subject
2.(from 1957 on) the signifier
3. (in the schemas of Sade) the raw subject of pleasure
  the barred subject
  the master signifier
  the signifying chain/knowledge
s the signified (in the Saussurean algorithm
  the signifier of a lack in the Other
  the signification of the Other (the message/symptom)
D Demand
d Desire
m the ego (moi)
i the specular image (schema R)
i(a) 1. the specular image (graph of desire)
2. the ideal ego (optical model)
I the ego-ideal (schema R)
I(A) the ego-ideal (graph of desire)
Π the real phallus
Φ the symbolic phallus [upper-case phi]
(-φ) the imaginary phallus [lower-case phi]
S the symbolic order (schema R)
R the field of reality (schema R)
I the imaginary order (schema R)
P the symbolic father / Name-of-the-Father
p the imaginary father
M the symbolic mother
J Jouissance
phallic jouissance
JA the jouissance of the Other
E the statement
e the enunciation
V the will-to-enjoy (volonté de jouissance)

Typographic Details

The typographic details and diacritics are extremely important in Lacanian algebra.

The difference between upper- and lower-case symbols, the difference between italicised and non-italicised symbols, the use of the apostrophe, the minus sign, and subscripts; all these details play their part in the algebraic system.

For example the upper-case letters usually refer to the symbolic order, whereas the lower-case letters usually refer to the imaginary.

The use of the bar is also important.

See Also


See Also