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82 bytes added, 02:19, 24 August 2006
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==Sigmund Freud==
In 1951, he refers to the [[Dora]] case, and argues that [[Freud]]'s [[countertransference]] was rooted in his [[belief]] that [[heterosexuality]] is [[natural]] rather than [[normative]], and in his [[identification]] with Herr K.
[[Lacan]] argues that it was these two factors which caused [[Freud]] to handle the [[treatment]] badly and provoke the 'negative transference' which led to [[Dora]] breaking off the [[treatment]] <ref>[{{L}} (1951a) "Intervention sur le transfert", in {{E}} pp.215-26 ["Intervention on the transference", trans. Jacqueline Rose, in Juliet Mitchell and Jacqueline Rose (eds.), ''Feminine Sexuality: the School of Lacan'', New Haven and London: Yale University, 1980, pp. 215-33.</ref>.
In 1957 [[Lacan]] presents a similar [[analysis]] of Freud's treatment of the young homosexual woman <ref>Freud{{F}} (1920a [1918]) "The Psychogenesis of a Case of Female Homosexuality"; [[SE]] XVIII, 1920a147.</ref>.
He argues that when [[Freud]] [[interpreted]] the [[woman]]'s [[dream]] as expressing a wish to deceive him, he was focusing on the [[imaginary]] dimension of the [[woman]]'s [[transference]] rather than on the [[symbolic]] dimension.<ref>{{S4}} p.135</ref>.

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