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Category talk:Looking Awry

3,744 bytes removed, 08:00, 28 August 2006
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<center>{| style="line-height:2.0em;text-align:justify;background-color:#fcfcfc;border:1px solid #aaa" | [[:Category:Looking Awry#Films|Films]] - [[:Category:Looking Awry#Popular Literature, Theater, and Opera|Popular Literature, Theater, and Opera]] - [[:Category:Looking Awry#Other Writers and Artists Cited|Other Writers and Artists Cited= ]]|}</center>
==A==* {{Pre}}Theodor Adorno{{Load}}Adorno, Theodor W.]], 142 | | style==B=="width:33%" |* {{Pre}}Raymond Bellour{{Load}}Bellour, Raymond]], 117 | * {{Pre}}Walter Benjamin{{Load}}Benjamin, Walter]], vii |* {{Pre}}Jeremy Bentham{{Load}}Bentham, Jeremy]], 92 <ncl>Category:Films</ncl>* {{Pre}|}Pascal Bonitzer{{Load}}Bonitzer, Pascal]], 144 * {{Pre}}Peter Brooks{{Load}}Brooks, Peter]], 63–64  ==C==* {{Pre}}Claude Chabrol{{Load}}Chabrol, Claude]], 74 * {{Pre}}G. K. Chesterton{{Load}}Chesterton, G. K.]], 48, 54 * {{Pre}}Michel Chion{{Load}}Chion, Michel]], 40, 82, 93, 126, 127 * {{Pre}}Agatha Christie{{Load}}Christie, Agatha]], 48, 62, 175n7. See also under section 2 || * {{Pre}}Winston Churchill{{Load}}Churchill, Winston]], 28  ==D=| width=100%* {{Pre}}Donald Davidson{{Load}}Davidson, Donald]], 153 * {{Pre}}Gilles Deleuze{{Load}}Deleuze, Gilles]], 24, 74, 142 * {{Pre}}Jacques Derrida{{Load}}Derrida, Jacques]], 125, 142 * {{Pre}}Walt Disney{{Load}}Disney, Walt]], 182n18 * {{Pre}}Arthur Conan Doyle{{Load}}Doyle, Arthur Conan]], 48, 60. See also under section 2  | style==E==* {{Pre}}Sergei Eisenstein{{Load}}Eisenstein, Sergei]], 89, 95, 118 * {{Pre}}Jon Elster{{Load}}Elster, Jon]], 76, 77 ==F==* {{Pre}}Michel Foucault{{Load}}Foucault, Michel]], 92, 142 * {{Pre}}Sigmund Freud{{Load}}Freud, Sigmund]], 23–24, 28, 37, 40, 44, 50–53, 71, 73, 120, 136, 137, 152–153, 159, 165, 169, 178n14  ==G==* {{Pre}}Feliz Guattar{{Load}}Guattari, Felix]], 24  ==H==* {{Pre}}Jürgen Habermas{{Load}}Habermas, Jürgen]], 141–142, 157 * {{Pre}}Dashiell Hammett{{Load}}Hammett, Dashiell]], 62–63 * {{Pre}}Stephen Hawking{{Load}}Hawking, Stephen]], 46–47 "width:33%" |* {{Pre}}Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel{{Load}}Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich]], 3, 37, 77–78, 87 * {{Pre}}Martin Heidegger{{Load}}Heidegger<ncl>Category:Popular Literature, Martin]]Theater, 136 and Opera</ncl>* {{Pre}}Hans Holbein{{Load}|}Holbein, Hans]], 90–91, 96 * {{Pre}}Homer]], 4–5 || * {{Pre}}Max Horkheimer{{Load}}Horkheimer, Max]], 142  ==J=| width=100%* {{Pre}}Fredric Jameson{{Load}}Jameson, Fredric]], 112 * {{Pre}}James Joyce{{Load}}Joyce, James]], 137, 145–146. See also under section 2  ==K| style==* {{Pre}}Franz Kafka{{Load}}Kafka, Franz]], 145–146, 160. See also under section 2 * {{Pre}}Immanuel Kant{{Load}}Kant, Immanuel]], vii, 156, 157, 159, 161–162, 167–168 * {{Pre}}Saul Kripke{{Load}}Kripke, Saul]], 103  ==L==* {{Pre}}Jacques Lacan{{Load}}Lacan, Jacques]], 5–6, 21, 28–29, 33–39, 65, 75, 88, 90–91, 95–96, 98, 103, 108–110, 118–119, 125–126, 128–132, 135–139, 151–153, 158, 161–169 * {{Pre}}Claude Lévi-Strauss{{Load}}Lévi-Strauss]], Claude, 76, 147 * {{Pre}}Val Lewton{{Load}}Lewton, Val]], 144  ==M==* {{Pre}}Kasimir Malevich{{Load}}Malevich, Kasimir]], 19 * {{Pre}}Octave Mannoni{{Load}}Mannoni, Octave]], 34 * {{Pre}}Herbert Marcuse{{Load}}Marcuse, Herbert]], 142 * {{Pre}}Groucho Marx{{Load}}Marx, Groucho]], 73, 85 * {{Pre}}Karl Marx{{Load}}Marx, Karl]], 12, "width:33, 141, 157, 159, 162–168 %" |* {{Pre}}Jacques-Alain Miller{{Load}}Miller, Jacques-Alain]], 38, 94–95, 135 <ncl>Category:Other Writers and Artists Cited</ncl>* {{Pre}}Jean-Claude Milner{{Load|}}Milner, Jean-Claude]], 3–5  ==N==* {{Pre|}}Friedrich Nietzsche{{Load}}Nietzsche, Friedrich]], 141–142 ==P==* {{Pre}}Parmenides]], 3, 6 * {{Pre}}Blaise Pascal{{Load}}Pascal, Blaise]], 33 * {{Pre}}Harold Pinter{{Load}}Pinter, Harold]], 70 * {{Pre}}Edgar Allan Poe{{Load}}Poe, Edgar Allan]], 85 * {{Pre}}Jean-Pierre Ponelle{{Load}}Ponelle, Jean-Pierre]], 115  ==R==* {{Pre}}François Regnault{{Load}}Regnault, François]], 106 * {{Pre}}Eric Rohmer{{Load}}Rohmer, Eric]], 74 * {{Pre}}Richard Rorty{{Load}}Rorty, Richard]], 157–160 * {{Pre}}Mark Rothko{{Load}}Rothko, Mark]], 19  ==S==* {{Pre}}D. A. F. de Sade{{Load}}Sade, D. A. F. de]], 167 * {{Pre}}Dorothy Sayers{{Load}}Sayers, Dorothy]], 48 * {{Pre}}Victor Shklovsky{{Load}}Shklovsky, Victor]], 54 * {{Pre}}Adam Smith{{Load}}Smith, Adam]], 78 * {{Pre}}Mickey Spillane{{Load}}Spillane, Mickey]], 61, 63 * {{Pre}}Reiner Stach{{Load}}Stach, Reiner]], 147  ==T==* {{Pre}}François Truffaut{{Load}}Truffaut, François]], 79  ==W==* {{Pre}}Otto Weininger{{Load}}Weininger, Otto]], 149 * {{Pre}}Orson Welles{{Load}}Welles, Orson]], 95 * {{Pre}}Ludwig Wittgenstein{{Load}}Wittgenstein, Ludwig]], 3, 34 * {{Pre}}Robin Wood{{Load}}Wood, Robin]], 97
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