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=Freudian Dictionary=  <blockquote>Libido is a term used in the theory of the instincts for describing the dynamic manifestation of sexuality.<ref>{{LT}}</ref></blockquote> <blockquote>It is difficult to say anything of the behavior of the libido in the id and in the superego. Everything that we know about it relates to the ego, in which the whole available amount of libido is at first stored up. We call this state of things absolute, primary ''narcissism''. It continues until the ego begins to cathect the presentations of objects with libido-to change narcissistic libido into ''object libido''.<ref>{{OoPA}} Ch. 2</ref></blockquote> <blockquote>Libido participates in every instinctual manifestation, but not everything in that manifestation is libido.<ref>{{C&D}} Ch. 6</ref></blockquote> ===Libido, Ego and Object===<blockquote>We must understand that the ego is always the main reservoir of libido, from which libidinal cathexes of objects proceed, and into which they return again, while the greater part of this libido remains perpetually in the ego. There is therefore a constant transformation of ego-libido into object-libido, and of object-libido into ego-libido. But if this is so the two cannot differ from each other in their nature, and there is no point in distinguishing the energy of the one from that of the other; one can either drop the term "libido"[[altogether, or use it as meaning the same as psychic energy in general.<ref>{{NILP}} Ch. 4</ref></blockquote>  ===Libido]]" ([[Fr]], Mobility of=== <blockquote>A characteristic of libido which is important in life is its mobility, the ease with which it passes from one object to another. This must be contrasted with the fixation of libido to particular objects, which often persists through life.<ref>{{OoPA}} Ch. 2</ref></blockquote> ===Libido, Narcissistic=== <blockquote>The Libido of the self-preservative instincts. <ref>{{LT}}</ref></blockquote> <blockquote>Concerning the fates of the object-libido, we can also state that it may be withdrawn from the object, that it may be preserved in a floating state in special states of tension, and that It may finally be taken back into the ego and again change into ego-libido as ''[[narcissistic libido]]''). Through psychoanalysis, we look as if over a boundary, which we are not permitted to pass, into the activity of this narcissistic libido, and thus, form an idea of relations between the two. The narcissistic or egolibido appears to us as the great reservoir from which all object cathexis is sent out, and into which it is drawn back again, while the narcissistic libido-cathexis of the ego appears to us as the realized primal state in the first childhood, which only becomes hidden by the later emissions of libido, and is retained at the bottom behind them.<ref>{{TCTS}} III</ref></blockquote> ===Libido, Somatic Sources of===<blockquote>There can be no question that the libido has somatic sources, that it streams into the ego from various organs and parts of the body. This is most clearly seen in the case of the portion of the libido which, from its instinctual aim is known as sexual excitation. The most prominent of the parts of the body from which this libido arises are described by the name of erotogenic zones, though strictly speaking the whole body is an erotogenic zone.<ref>{{OoPA}} Ch. 2</ref></blockquote>  {{Freudian Dictionary}}   
==Sigmund Freud==
== References ==
[[Category:Jacques Lacan]]
From the Latin word for "desire" or "lust," [[libido]] is a specifically sexual energy.
------[[Category:Psychoanalysis]][[Category:Sexuality]]{{Encore}} p. 80
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