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The term [[prohibition ]] has been borrowed by [[psychoanalysis ]] from everyday [[language]], where it is used either as an adjective to describe something we are not allowed to do, say, see, [[think]], or be; or substantively to refer to the [[law]], [[social ]] constraint, [[moral ]] education, and so on, on which this [[prohibition ]] is based.
[[Psychoanalytic ]] [[language ]] gives a more precise [[meaning ]] to the term, however.
[[Prohibition ]] can [[present ]] itself to the subject as [[external]], and be internalized as a result of its associated [[dynamic ]] of [[conflict]]; it can also result from [[structural ]] requirements inherent in the [[mind]].
In every [[case ]] the formulation of the [[prohibition ]] and its operation can be partially or totally unconscious[[unconcious]], even when the resulting conduct and its justification are [[explicit]].
The [[concept ]] appears early in [[Freud]]'s [[work ]] and can be found in the Studies on [[Hysteria ]] (1895d), where the subject, driven by desires prohibited by [[morality]], consciously forms "representations that are [[irreconcilable]]" with that morality, and then refuses [[them ]] satisfaction, doing away with them by making them unconscious [[unconcious]] through repression.
Those desires are always, in the final [[analysis]], [[sexual ]] in [[nature]], especially in the case of the "neuro-[[psychoses ]] of [[defense]]."
"The etiology of hysteria almost inevitably can be traced to a psychic conflict, an irreconcilable representation, which prompts into action the defense of the ego and provokes repression" ([[Freud]], 1896b).
From the very outset, then, the [[notion ]] of [[prohibition ]] is inseparable from the drive-defense conflict, which will constitute the core of [[psychoanalytic theory]].
Initially, that is to say, within the framework of the first [[topography ]] and the first [[theory ]] of [[drives]], [[Freud ]] studied the [[libidinal ]] origins of the conflict and its [[treatment ]] through [[repression ]] (these are the [[texts ]] on [[metapsychology ]] from 1915) as well as its educational ("Little [[Hans]]," 1915), sociological and ethnological ([[Totem ]] and [[Taboo]], 1912-1913a) origins.
The formulation of the [[Oedipus ]] [[complex ]] then focused attention on the [[prohibition ]] of [[incest]].
Subsequently, the formulation of the [[second topography ]] led to a redefinition of [[prohibition]].
Here, the [[ego ]] appears as prey to conflicts where it is torn between "[[three ]] masters": the [[id ]] and its libidinal [[demands]], [[reality ]] and adaptive requirements, and a [[superego ]] that is essentially defined as an [[agent ]] of [[prohibition]].
(However, to this must be added the more positive functions of the [[ego ]] [[ideal]], which condenses all the moral values the [[subject ]] claims to hold.)
Although throughout his work [[Freud ]] presents the incest [[prohibition ]] as the heart of the conflictual dynamic, he also discusses prohibitions [[prohibition]]s that [[affect ]] [[other ]] manifestations of [[sexuality]], primarily [[masturbation ]] and the [[satisfaction ]] of the [[partial drives ]] drive]]s or compound instincts [[instinct]]s ([[voyeurism]], [[exhibitionism]], [[anal ]] [[pleasure]]).
Generalization of the limitations created by these prohibitions [[prohibition]]s can lead to serious inhibitions of [[thought]].
Moreover, it has been shown how the [[repression ]] of the drives [[drive]]s can lead to serious reaction [[formations]], especially when [[aggression ]] is poorly integrated.
[[Censorship]]; Conflict; [[Deprivation]]; [[Ethics]]; Incest; [[law]] of the [[father]]; [[Oedipus complex]]; Taboo; [[Transgression]].
See also: Censorship; Conflict; Deprivation; Ethics; Incest; Law of the father; Oedipus complex; Taboo; Transgression.[[Bibliography]]
 Bibliography  * [[Freud]], Sigmund.
Further remarks on the neuro-psychoses of [[defence]]. SE, 3: 157-185. * [[Freud ]] Sigmund, and Breuer, Josef. (1895d). Studies on hysteria. SE, 2: 48-106.
* Mijolla-Mellor, Sophie de. (1993). Le "bon droit" du criminel. Topique, 52, 141-161.
* Milner, Marion. (1991). On est prié de fermer les yeux. Le regard interdit. Paris: Gallimard.
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