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 ==Sigmund Freud==The concept {{Top}}lack of [[object|privation]] is essential for [[Freud]].  In [[The Future of An Illusion]], he writes:  <blockquote>"For the sake of a uniform terminology we will describe the fact that an instinct cannot be satisfied as a 'frustration,' the regulation by which this frustration is established as a 'prohibition' and the condition which is produced by the prohibition as a 'privation.'"<ref>[[Freud, Sigmund]]. [[The Future of An Illusion]]. p.10</ref></blockquote> Later in the same essay, he defines more specifically the [[drive]]-[[wish]]es that result from [[privation]]: [[incest]], the [[pleasure]] in and w[[ish]] to [[murder]], and [[cannibalism]]. ==Melanie Klein==[[Melanie Klein]] and [[Jacques Lacan]] are the main authors to have taken up this concept.  For [[Klein]], [[privation]] is the basis for the [[paranoid]] [[position]].  <blockquote>"Persecutory anxiety, therefore, enters from the beginning into [the baby's] relation to objects in so far as he is exposed to privations."<ref>Klein, 1932/1952b, p. 199</ref></blockquote> <blockquote>"Feelings of frustration and grievance lead to phantasying backwards and often focus in retrospect on the privations suffered in relation to the mother's breast."<ref>Klein, 1952a, p. 265</ref></blockquote> All [[feeling]]s of [[privation]] or [[frustration]] originate in the [[subject]]'s relationship with the [[mother]], specifically with the [[maternal]] [[breast]].  These [[feeling]]s are also articulated with [[persecution]] and [[fragmentation anxieties]].{{Bottom}}
==Jacques Lacan==
For [[Jacques Lacan]], archaic persecution or [[fragmentation]] [[anxieties]] are to be deduced from [[castration anxiety]] and are not its precursors.  [[Privation]] is what is inscribed in the [[Real]] and reveals its nature.  [[Privation]] corresponds to the "hole" in the [[Real]]; it is the basis of the [[Symbolic]] [[Order]], and the [[agent]] who deprives is always [[Imaginary]].  [[Lacan]]'s answer to the question concerning what is actually being deprived is that  <blockquote>"It is especially the fact that the Woman does not have a penis, that She is deprived of it. The very notion of privation, so tangible and visible in an experience such as that one, implies the symbolization of the object in the real. For in the real, nothing is deprived of anything. Everything that is real is sufficient unto itself. By definition, the real is full [plein]. If we introduce the notion of privation into the real, it is to the extent that we can already symbolize it adequately, or even completely. Indicating that something is not there means supposing its possible presence—that is, introducing into the real, in order to recover it and hollow it out, the simple symbolic order."<ref>{{S4}} pp.237-270</ref></blockquote> The [[reversal]] effected by [[Lacan]], as compared to authors inspired by [[Klein]], is striking, and it is the basis for his claim of making a rigorous [[return]] to [[Freud]].  However, his was a return to a particular [[Freud]]: In [[Freud]]ian thought, while [[woman]] is indeed deprived of a [[penis]], the [[male]] [[child]] is just as deprived of the [[breast]].  Although [[woman]] can aspire to replace what she [[lack]]s by bearing a [[child]], [[man]] must replace that which he has been deprived of with "spiritual nourishment," or thought. ==Three types =Lack of lackObject===In his [[seminar]] of 1956-7, [[Seminar IV|Object Relations]], [[Lacan]] distinguishes between [[three ]] types of '"[[lack]] of [[object]]'":
# [[privation]],
# '''[[frustration]] ''' and # '''[[castration]]'''.
Each of these types of [[lack]] is located in a different [[order]], each is brought [[about ]] by a different kind of [[agent]], and each involves a different kind of [[object]].
==Definition=Lack in the Real of a Symbolic Object===
[[Privation]] is defined as a [[lack]] in the [[real]] of a [[symbolic]] [[object]] (the [[symbolic]] [[phallus]]).
The [[agent]] who brings about this [[lack]] is the [[imaginary]] [[father]].
===Castration complexComplex===[[Privation]] is [[Lacan]]'s attempt to theorise theorize more rigorously [[Freud]]'s [[concept ]] of [[female]] [[castration]] and [[penis envy]].
According to [[Freud]], when [[children]] realize that some [[people ]] ([[women]]) do not have a [[penis]], this is a [[traumatic]] [[moment ]] which produces different effects in the [[boy]] and in the [[girl]] (see [[castration complex]]).
Whereas the [[boy]] develops a [[fear]] of having his [[penis]] cut off, the [[girl]] envies the [[boy]] his possession of the [[penis]], which she sees as a highly desirable [[organ]].
The [[girl]] blames the [[mother]] for depriving her of a [[penis]], and redirects her affections to the father in the hope that he will provide her with a [[child]] as a [[symbolic]] [[substitute]] for the [[penis]] she [[lacks]].<ref>{{F}} (1924d) ''[[Sigmund Freud:Bibliography|An Autobiographical Study]]''. [[SE]] XX, 1924d3.</ref>
[[Privation]], then, refers to the [[female]]'s [[lack]] of a [[penis]], which is clearly a [[lack]] in the [[Real]].
===The realReal===However, by definition, "the [[real]] is [[full]]".
The [[real]] is never [[lacking]] in itself, and thus "the [[notion ]] of privation ... implies the [[symbolisation]] of the [[object]] in the [[real]]."<ref>{{S4}} p.218</ref>
In [[other ]] [[words]], when the [[child]] perceives the [[penis]] (a rea] real organ) as [[absent]], it is only because he has a notion that it somehow should be there, which is to introduce the [[symbolic]] into the [[real]].
Thus what is [[lacking]] is not the [[real]] organ, for, [[biologically]] [[speaking]], the [[vagina]] is not incomplete without one; what is [[lacking]] is a [[Symbolicsymbolic]] object, the [[symbolic]] [[phallus]].
Its [[symbolic]] [[nature ]] is confirmed by the fact that it can be [[substituted]] by a [[child]] in the [[girl]]'s [[unconscious]]; in appeasing her [[penis envy]] by [[desiring]] a [[child]], [[Freud]] argues, the [[girl]] "[[slip]]s - along the lines of a [[symbolic]] equation, one might say - from the [[penis]] to a [[baby]]."<ref>{{F}} (1924d) "[[Sigmund Freud, 1924d: Bibliography|The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex]]." [[SE ]] XIX, 178-9</ref>
[[Freud]] argues that the little [[girl]] blames her [[mother]] for depriving her of a [[penis]].
[[Lacan]], however, argues that it is the [[Imaginaryimaginary]] father who is held to be the [[agent]] of [[privation]].
However, these two accounts are not necessarily incompatible.
==From =Girl to and Mother===Even though the [[girl]] may at first resent the [[mother]] for depriving her of a [[penis]] and turn to the [[father]] in the hope that he will provide her with a [[symbolic]] [[substitute]], she later turns her resentment against the [[father]] when he fails to provide her with the [[desired]] [[child]].
[[Freud]] argues that [[penis envy]] persists into [[adulthood]], manifesting itself both in the [[desire]] to [[enjoy]] the [[penis]] in [[sexual intercourse]]intercourse, and in the [[desire]] to have a [[child]] (since the [[father]] has failed to provide her with a [[child]], the [[woman]] turns to [[another ]] [[man]] instead).
[[Lacan]] argues that even when the [[woman]] has a [[child]], this does not spell the end of her [[sense ]] of [[privation]].
Her [[desire]] for the [[phallus]] remains [[unsatisfied]], no matter how many [[children]] she has.
The [[mother]]'s basic [[dissatisfaction]] is perceived by the [[child]] from very early on; he realizes that she has a [[desire]] that aims at something beyond her [[dual relationship]] with him - the [[imaginary]] [[phallus]].<ref>{{S4}} p.194</ref>
The [[child]] then seeks to fulfil her [[desire]] by [[identifying]] with the [[Imaginary]] [[phallus]].
In this way, the [[privation]] of the [[mother]] is [[responsible ]] for introducing the [[dialectic]] of [[desire]] in the [[child]]'s [[life ]] for the first [[time]]
==See Also==
* [[Deprivation]]* [[Fragmentation]]{{See}}
* [[Castration]]
* [[FeminismDesire]]||* [[Dialectic]]
* [[Frustration]]
||* [[ForgettingCastration]]* [[Frustration]]||* [[Mother]]
* [[Need]]
* [[Phallus]]
* [[Father]]
* [[Schizophrenia]]* [[Weaning]]{{Also}}
== References ==<div style="font-size:11px" class="references-small">
* Freud, Sigmund. (1927c). The future of an illusion. SE, 21: 1-56.* Klein, Melanie. (1952a). On observing the behaviour of young infants. In Melanie Klein, Paula Heimann, Susan Isaacs, and Joan Rivière (Eds.). Developments in psychoanalysis (pp. 237-270). London: Hogarth.* Klein, Melanie. (1952b). Some theoretical conclusions regarding the emotional life of the infant. In Melanie Klein, Paula Heimann, Susan Isaacs, and Joan Rivière. (Eds.). Developments in psychoanalysis (pp. 198-236). London: Hogarth. (Original work published 1932)* [[Lacan, Jacques]]. (1956-57). Le séminaire: Livre IV, La relation d'objet (pp. 237-270). Paris: Le Seuil.</div>
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