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Jacques Lacan:Seminars

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{| class="wikitable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" align="[[left]]" bgcolor="ffffff" style="background:#ffffff;width:100%; height:200px; text-align:center; line-height:2.0em;"
| bgcolor="#ffffff" width="500px" | ''[[Seminar_Index|Titre]]''<BR>[[Seminar_Index|Title]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar I|I]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1953-4]]<BR><BR>
|| ''[[Seminar I|Les écrits techniques de '''<u><big>Freud's technical writings</big></u>''']]''<BR>[[Seminar I|Les écrits techniques de Freud's technical writings]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar II|II]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1954-5]]<BR><BR>
|| [[Seminar II|<big>'''<u>The Ego in Freud's Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis</u>'''</big>]]''[[Seminar II|Le moi dans la théorie de Freud et dans la technique de la psychanalyse]]'' <BR>[[Seminar II|The Ego in Freud's Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar III|III]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1955-6]]<BR><BR>
|| ''=== [[Seminar III|Les psychoses<big>'''<u>The Psychoses</u>'''</big>]]==='' <BR>[[Seminar III|The PsychosesLes psychoses]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar IV|IV]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1956-7]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar IV|'''<u><big>The Object Relations</big></u>''']] ===''[[Seminar IV|La relation d'objet et les structures freudiennes]]''<BR>[[Seminar IV|The Object Relations]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar V|V]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1957-8]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar V|<big>'''<u>The Formations of the Unconscious</u>'''</big>]] ===''[[Seminar V|Les formations de l'inconscient]]'' <BR>[[Seminar V|The Formations of the Unconscious]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar VI|VI]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1958-9]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar VI|<big>'''<u>Desire and its Interpretation</u>'''</big>]] ===''[[Seminar VI|Le désir et son interprétation]]''<BR>[[Seminar VI|Desire and its Interpretation]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar VII|VII]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1959-60]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar VII|<big>'''<u>The Ethics of Psychoanalysis</u>'''</big>]] ===''[[Seminar VII|L'éthique de la psychanalyse]]'' <BR>[[Seminar VII|The Ethics of Psychoanalysis]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar VIII|VIII]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1960-1]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar VIII|'''<u><big>Transference</big></u>''']] ===''[[Seminar VIII|Le transfert (dans sa disparité subjective)]]'' <BR>[[Seminar VIII|Transference]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar IX|IX]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1961-2]]<BR><BR>
|| ''=== [[Seminar IX|L'identification''<u><big>Identification</big></u>''']]==='' <BR>[[Seminar IX|IdentificationL'identification]] ''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" |
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1963]]<BR><BR>
|| ''=== [[Les Noms du père]]The Names of the Father|<big>'''<BRu>[[The Names of the Father</u>'''</big>]] ===''[[Les Noms du père]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar X|X]] <BR><BR/big> ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1962-3]]<BR><BR>
|| ''=== [[Seminar X|L<big>'''<u>Anxiety</u>'''angoisse</big>]]==='' <BR>[[Seminar X|AnxietyL'angoisse]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XI|XI]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1964]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar XI|'''<u><big>The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis</big></u>''']] ===''[[Seminar XI|Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse]]'' <BR>[[Seminar XI|The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XII|XII]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1964-5]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar XII|'''<u><big>Crucial Problems for Psychoanalysis</big></u>''']] ===''[[Seminar XII|Problèmes cruciaux pour la psychanalyse]]'' <BR>[[Seminar XII|Crucial Problems for Psychoanalysis]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XIII|XIII]] <BR><BR/big> ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1965-6]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar XIII|<big>'''<u>The Object of Psychoanalysis</u>'''</big>]] ===''[[Seminar XIII|L'objet de la psychanalyse]]''<BR> [[Seminar XIII|The Object of Psychoanalysis]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XIV|XIV]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1966-7]]<BR><BR>
|| ''=== [[Seminar XIV|La logique du fantasme'''<u><big>The Logic of Fantasy</big></u>''']]===''<BR>[[Seminar XIV|The Logic of FantasyLa logique du fantasme]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XV|XV]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1967-8]]<BR><BR>
|| ''=== [[Seminar XV|L'acte psychanalytique''<u><big>The Psychoanalytic Act</big></u>''']]===''<BR>[[Seminar XV|The Psychoanalytic ActL'acte psychanalytique]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XVI|XVI]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1968-9]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar XVI|<big>'''<u>From One Other to the Other</u>'''</big>]] ===''[[Seminar XVI|D'un Autre à l'autre]]''<BR> [[Seminar XVI|From One Other to the Other]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XVII|XVII]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1969-70]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar XVII|'''<u><big>The Reverse of Psychoanalysis</big></u>''']] ===''[[Seminar XVII|L'envers de la psychanalyse]]'' <BR>[[Seminar XVII|The Reverse of Psychoanalysis]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XVIII|XVIII]] <BR><BR/big> ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1971]]<BR><BR>
|| === [[Seminar XVIII|'''<u><big>On a Discourse That Would Not Be Semblance</big></u>''']] ===''[[Seminar XVIII|D'un discours qui ne serait pas du semblant]]''<BR>[[Seminar XVIII|On a Discourse That Would Not Be Semblance]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XIX|XIX]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1971-2]]<BR><BR>
|| ''[[Seminar XIX|'''<u><big>...ou pireOr Worse</big></u>''']]''<BR>[[Seminar XIX|...Or Worseou pire]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XX|XX]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1972-3]]<BR><BR>
|| ''[[Seminar XX|'''<u><big>Encore</big></u>''']]'' <BR>[[Seminar XX|Encore]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XXI|XXI]] <BR><BR/big> ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1973-4]]<BR><BR>
|| ''[[Seminar XXI|Les non-dupes errent]]'''<BRu>[[Seminar XXI|The Non-Duped Err/The Names of the Father</u>''']]''[[Seminar XXI|Les non-dupes errent]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XXII|XXII]] <BR><BR/big> ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1974-5]]<BR><BR>
|| ''[[Seminar XXII|'''<u><big>RSI</big></u>''']]''<BR>[[Seminar XXII|RSI]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === [[Seminar XXIII|XXIII]]<BRbig>XXIII<BR/big> ]] ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1975-6]]<BR><BR>
|| ''[[Seminar XXIII|Le sinthome'''<u><big>The Sinthome</big></u>''']]''<BR>[[Seminar XXIII|The SinthomeLe sinthome]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XXIV|XXIV]] <BR><BR/big> ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1976-7]]<BR><BR>
|| [[Seminar XXIV|<big>'''<u>One Knew That It Was a Mistaken Moon on the Wings of Love</u>'''</big>]]''[[Seminar XXIV|L'insu que sait de l'une-bévue s'aile à mourre]]''<BR>[[Seminar XXIV|One Knew That It Was a Mistaken Moon on the Wings of Love]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XXV|XXV]] <BR><BR/big>===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1977-8]]<BR><BR>
|| ''=== [[Seminar XXV|Le moment de conclure'''<u><big>The Moment of Concluding</big></u>''']]===''<BR>[[Seminar XXV|The Moment of ConcludingLe moment de conclure]]''
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XXVI|XXVI]] <BR><BR/big> ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1978-9]]<BR><BR>
|| [[Seminar XXVI|'''<u><big>Topology and Time</big></u>''']]''[[Seminar XXVI|La topologie et le temps]]''<BR>[[Seminar XXVI|Topology and Time]]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" | === <big>[[Seminar XXVII|XXVII]] <BR><BR/big> ===
| [[Jacques Lacan:Chronology|1980]]<BR><BR>
|| ''=== [[Seminar XXVII|'''<u><big>Dissolution</big></u>''']]===''<BR>[[Seminar XXVII|Dissolution]]''

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