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Jacques Lacan Books2

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* Articles from <nowikii>Le Minotaure<font face/i>: <b> The Problem of Style and the Psychiatric Conception of Paranoiac Forms of Experience</b> and <a href="MISHAWAKA" size="2papin.htm">1933<b>Motives of Paranoiac Crime: The Crime of the Papin Sisters</b></fonta>, transl. by Jon Anderson in <i>Critical Texts</tdi>, vol.5, 3, 1988.
<td valign="top"><font face="MISHAWAKA" size="2">Articles from <i>Le Minotaure</i>: <b> The Problem of Style and the Psychiatric Conception of Paranoiac Forms of ExperienceFamily Complexes</b> and <a href="papin.htm"><b>Motives of Paranoiac Crime: The Crime of the Papin Sisters</b></a>, transl. by Jon Anderson Carolyn Asp in <i>Critical Texts</i>, vol.5, issue 3, 1988.Also transl. by Andrea Kahn in <bri>&nbsp;Semiotext</fonti>10, vol. 4, 1, 1981. In </tdi>Autres Écrits</tr><tr><td valign="top"><font face="MISHAWAKA" size="2">1938</font></tdi>, Paris: Seuil, 2001.
<td valign="top"><font face="MISHAWAKA" size="2"><b>The Family Complexes</b>, transl. by Carolyn Asp in <i>Critical Texts</i>, vol.5, issue 3, 1988. Also transl. by Andrea Kahn in <i>Semiotext</i> 10, vol. 4, 1, 1981. In <i>Autres Écrits</i>, Paris: Seuil, 2001.<br>&nbsp;</font></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><font face="MISHAWAKA" size="2">1945</font></td><td valign="top"><font face="MISHAWAKA" size="2">
<b>Logical Time and the Assertion of Anticipated Certainty: A New Sophism</b> from <i>Écrits</i>, transl. by B. Fink and M. Silver in Ellie Ragland-Sullivan (ed.), <i>Newsletter of the Freudian Field</i>, vol.2, 1988.<br>&nbsp;</font>

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