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1,383 bytes added, 07:55, 21 June 2006
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==Spectral Supplement==
[[Žižek]]'s argument is that it is this [[spectral]] [[supplement]] that constitutes the basis of all [[ideologies]].
Furthermore, he avers that [[reality]] itself depends on this [[supplement]].
This concept relies on our understanding the distinction between [[reality]] and the [[Real]].
We have no access to the [[Real]] because our [[world]] is always mediated by the [[Symbolic]].
[[Reality]], as we know it, therefore, is always [[Symbolic]]. However, the [[Symbolization]] of the [[Real]] is, and cannot be, complete.
The [[Symbolic]] can never saturate the [[Real]] and so, consequently, there is always some part of the [[Real]] which remains [[unsymbolized]].
What cannot be accommodated in the [[Symbolic]] produces a fundamental [[antagonism]]. It is this part of the [[Real]] that returns to haunt [[reality]] in the guise of the [[spectral]] [[supplement]].

The [[spectre]] conceals the piece of the [[Real]] which has to be forsaken if [[reality]] (in the guise of the [[Symbolic]]) is to [[exist]].
And it is here, in the [[spectral]] [[supplement]], that [[Žižek]] locates the foundation or kernel of all [[ideologies]].
All of which is another way of saying that [[reality]] and [[ideology]] are mutually implicated in each other.
One cannot exist without the other.<ref>{{Myers}} p.75</ref>
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