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Patriarchy A social system characterized by male domination and female subordination. (Abramovitz, Mimi. Regulating the Lives of Women, 1989, p. 25.)

We define patriarchy as a set of social relations which has a material base and in which there are hierarchical relations between men and solidarity among them which enable them in turn to dominate women. The material base of patriarchy is men's control over women's labor power. (Hartman, Heidi, "The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism", from The Second Wave edited by Linda Nicholson, 1997, p. 103.)

Kate Millet's definition of patriarchy: "our society...is a patriarchy. The fact is evident at once if one recalls that the military, industry, technology, universities, science, political offices, finances---in short, every avenue of power within the society, including the coercive force of the police, is entirely in male hands." (Hartman, Heidi, "The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism", from The Second Wave edited by Linda Nicholson, 1997, p. 101.)

“male control of the public and private worlds constitutes patriarchy...” [Tong, Rosemary. (1998). Feminist Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction, p.49.]

“Patriarchal ideology, according to [Kate] Millet, exaggerates biological difference between men and women, making sure that men always have the dominant, or masculine, roles and women always have the subordinate, or feminine ones. This ideology is so powerful that men are usually able to secure the apparent consent of the very women they oppress. They do this through institutions such as the academy, the church, and the family...” [Tong, Rosemary (1998). Feminist Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction, p.49.]

“Male supremacist ideology encourages women to believe we are valueless and obtain value only by relating to or bonding with men” [hooks, bell. (1984). Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, p.43.]

“Though patriarchy is hierarchical and men of different classes, races, or ethnic groups have different places in the patriarchy, they also are united in their shared relationship of dominance over their women... Patriarchy is not simply hierarchical organization, but hierarchy in which particular people fill particular places.” [Heidi Hartmann (1979) in Kramarae, Cheris & Treichler, Paula A., Amazons, Bluestockings, and Crones: A Feminist Dictionary.]