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Principle of Constancy

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The [[principle ]] of constancy is the principle of [[psychic ]] functioning that seeks to maintain the quantity of [[excitation ]] contained in the [[apparatus ]] at a low or constant level. This is accomplished through a [[discharge ]] of the [[energy ]] [[present ]] in the apparatus or by avoiding its augmentation.
In 1892, [[Freud ]] submitted a manuscript and [[letter ]] to [[Breuer ]] articulating their common [[position ]] regarding the [[thesis ]] of "holding constant the amount of excitation" (1940d). One year later, Freud spoke of a tendency to "shrink" or "diminish" the "amount of excitation," and [[trauma ]] was conceived to be a result of its augmentation.
The [[principle of constancy ]] represented a point of view widely accepted in the [[sciences ]] of the nineteenth century, such as Fechner's equilibrium principle (Laplanche and Pontalis, 1967; Laplanche, 1970). Its workings were held to be furnished by mechanisms (in the [[Freudian ]] [[sense ]] of [[acts ]] and behaviors) of avoidance of [[external ]] excitations, of [[defense ]] and of discharge ([[abreaction]]) in response to increased tension of [[internal ]] origin.
The principle of constancy is a central feature of the [[theory ]] developed between 1892 and 1895, introduced in [[order ]] to account for phenomena observed in [[hysteria ]] that contradicted this "precondition of health" (1940d). From this point forward [[symptoms ]] were blamed on a [[lack ]] of abreaction, and [[treatment ]] offered adequate discharge. However, Breuer envisaged the law of constancy as optimal, allowing for a free [[circulation ]] of kinetic energy. In his "[[Project]]" of 1895 Freud sought a principle unrelated to healthiness, by sketching out an operation that occurred simultaneously at the heart of and at the extremities of a specific portion of the nervous [[system]]. The principle of constancy was thereby supplanted by an inertia principle, according to which certain neurons tend to empty themselves totally of their quantity of excitation. The tendency to constancy would become a secondary function—a modification of the inertia principle—demanded by the "exigencies of [[life]]." It is confined to the secondary [[processes ]] of the "ego" where energy is bound, [[meaning ]] maintained at a certain level in the "psi system."
In The [[Interpretation ]] of [[Dreams ]] (1900a) the opposition constancy/inertia serves as a backdrop. The principle of inertia regulated the functioning of the system [[Ucs. ]] according to the laws of primary functioning. The principle of constancy worked at the level of the Pcs.-Cs. system through [[cathexes]], diversion of inhibitions, and transformations into states of quiescence by raising excitation to even levels. Subsequently, the opposition between the two modes of functioning was most often assimilated to the opposition between the [[pleasure ]] principle and the [[reality ]] principle.
Freud finally formulated an [[explicit ]] "principle of constancy" in Beyond the [[Pleasure Principle ]] (1920g), as the [[economic ]] basis of the [[pleasure principle]], but he [[left ]] open the question concerning what level should be aimed at: zero, constant, low, high, etc. However the tendency toward zero that later became the "[[Nirvana ]] Principle" was considered fundamental. It was in this connection that Freud introduced the [[death ]] [[drive]]. The latter tended toward the absolute reduction of tensions and was opposed to the [[life drive]], which made use of heightened tension levels in its quest to forge and hold onto vital unities.
Freud's [[thinking ]] on this matter remains plagued by an unresolved difficulty. Is [[psychoanalysis ]] limited to a narrow [[domain]], or does it [[represent ]] an attempt to create a general [[psychology]], meaning a [[biology]]? In spite of the "[[self]]-preservation/sexuality" [[distinction]], the overlap between vitality and [[sexuality ]] remained a problem for Freudian theory to [[work ]] through. Was the energy Freud envisioned energy in general, or [[sexual ]] energy (cf. [[Jung]])? Did everyday regulatory mechanisms encompass the phenomena of increased quantities of all kinds, or was the augmentation of psychic sexual energy controlled by a special sub-regulatory [[mechanism]]?
The principle of constancy was the basis of the conception of the pleasure/unpleasure principle, but the latter's complexity (a pleasurable [[sensation ]] may accompany an increase in tension), became increasingly evident to Freud, reopening the possibility of a confusion of the pleasure and constancy principles. The principle of constancy, which resembles the principle of [[homeostasis ]] that Walter Bradford Cannon would later introduce, served as kind of general principle of self-regulation, whereas the specifically sexual pleasure principle can (and must) detract from this general principal. This was an inextricable complexity that the conceptualization, in 1920, of the life drive attempted to resolve.
# [[Freud, Sigmund]]. (1900a). The [[interpretation of dreams]]. Part II. SE, 5: 339-625.# ——. (1920g). [[Beyond the pleasure principle]], SE,18:1-64.# ——. (1950c). Project for a [[scientific ]] psychology. SE, 1: 281-387.
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