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Seminar V

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{{SSeminarsNavBar|RightPrevLink=Seminar IV|RightPrevText=Seminar IV|RightNextLink=Seminar VI|RightNextText=Seminar VI}}[[Image:Sem5.jpg|frame|right]]{| align="center" style="width:400px600px; border:1px solid #aaa;text-align:left; line-height:2.0em; padding-left:10px;"|width="100px"||width="300px"|
| [[{{Y}}style="width:100px;text-align:left; line-height:2.0em; padding-left:10px;"|1957 - 1958| style="width:100px;text-align:left; line-height:2.0em; padding-left:10px;"| [[Seminar V]]| style="width:300px;text-align:left; line-height:2.0em; padding-left:10px;"| ''[[Seminar V|Les formations de l'inconscient]]''<BR><big>[[Seminar V|The Formations of the Unconscious]]</big>
 [[Image:Sem.V.jpg|border|300px|right]]The [[formation]]s of the [[unconscious]] are those circumstances in which the [[law]]s of the [[unconscious]] are most discernible: the [[joke]], the [[dream]], the [[symptom]], the [[lapsus]] ([[parapraxis]]). [[Freud]] referred to the fundamental mechanisms involved in the [[formation]]s of the [[unconscious]] as [[condensation]] and [[displacement]], which [[Lacan]] redefines as [[metaphor]] and [[metonymy]]. With the former, the play of [[signifier]]s creates [[sense]] in nonsense in relation to [[truth]]. The latter reveals the [[lack]] of a [[word]], "an item of waste sent like a ball between [[code]] and [[message]]." In this [[lack]] [[substitute]] [[word]]s appear and function like "the [[metonymic]] ruins of the [[object]]." At the junction between [[psychoanalysis]] and [[linguistics]], [[Lacan]] wants to [[formalize]] the primordial [[law]]s of the [[unconscious]] that [[Freud]] had uncovered. His [[project]] is to define a [[topology]] of the levels of functioning of the signifier in the subject by elaborating the [[graph]]s that, under the generic [[name]] of [[Graph of Desire]], will be at the core of "[[The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire in the Freudian Unconscious]]" written in 1960 and published in 1966 in <i>[[Écrits]]</i>. Here the key [[concept]] is that of [[desire]], and [[Lacan]]'s [[dialectic]] of [[desire]] is quite distinct from [[Hegel]]'s. The Graph of Desire will serve as a [[topology]] of the different steps constitutive of the [[subject]]. "It is precisely because desire is articulated that it is not articulable" in a [[signifying chain]]. [[Slavoj Zizek]] commenting on this formulation argues that [[subject]] is not substance, "it has not substantial positive [[being]] in itself, being caught between 'not yet' and 'no longer'. The [[subject]] never is, it will have been - either it is not yet here or it is no longer here, since there is only a trace of its [[absence]]." The [[subject]] is dependent on the [[recognition]] of the [[Other]] who embodies "the legitimacy of the code," he alone can ratify a word as a [[joke]], as stupidity or as [[madness]]. With the [[Other]], [[Lacan]] moves on to the [[analysis]] of the [[Oedipus complex]]. [[Three]] [[stages]] [[structure]] the [[constitution]] of the [[subject]]. First, the [[paternal metaphor]] [[acts]] intrinsically on account of the primacy given to the [[phallus]] by [[culture]]. Then, the father intervenes as the one who deprives the [[mother]]: to her he addresses the [[message]] "You will not reintegrate your product" - the [[child]] as [[phallic]] [[object]]. The [[child]] receives "a [[message]] on the [[message]]," in the [[form]] of "You will not [[sleep]] with your mother" that liberates and deprives him of the object of his [[desire]]. From the alternative "To be or not to be the [[phallus]]," he can move to the alternative "To have it or not to have it." The [[third]] [[moment]] - the exit out of the [[Oedipus complex]] - requires the [[intervention]] of the permissive and generous father who, preferred over the [[mother]], gives [[birth]] to the [[idea]] of the [[ego]]. It is in this context that the problems of becoming boy or [[girl]] - of the inverted [[Oedipus complex]] are raised. [[Lacan]] plays with the term "[[insistence]]" in [[order]] to [[recall]] [[repetition]], the characteristic of the [[signifying chain]] in the [[unconscious]]. "The unconscious is neither primordial nor [[instinctual]]; what it [[knows]] [[about]] the elementary is but the elements of the signifier." In a previous [[writing]], "[[The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason since Freud]]," he defines the unconscious as a [[memory]] that can be compared to that of modern [[thinking]]-machines where the chain that insists on reproducing itself in the [[transference]] can be found, and which is the [[chain]] of [[dead]] [[desire]]. In "[[The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire in the Freudian Unconscious]]," written in 1960, [[Lacan]] states that "it is not the law that bars the [[subject]]'s access to <i>[[jouissance]]</i> but [[pleasure]]." In 1966 he will add a final [[sentence]]: "[[Castration]] means that <i>[[jouissance]]</i> must be refused, so that it can be reached on the inverted ladder (<i>échelle inversée</i>) of the [[Law]] of [[desire]]." "The [[signification]] of the phallus" (<i>[[Écrits: A Selection]]</i>) is a lecture given at the Max Planck Institute in Munich in 1958. All the research accomplished during <i>La relation d'[[objet]]</i> and <i>Les [[formations]] de l'[[inconscient]]</i> culminates here, and serves as an introduction to <i>Le [[désir]] et son [[interpretation]].</i><br> The alternative seems ineluctable: either the [[Mother]] or the [[Father]]. To choose the [[Mother]] means to be condemned to the dependency of [[demand]], while the [[Father]] constitutes the access to [[desire]], hence to salvation. If the [[Father]] must be preferred to the [[Mother]], if the [[Father]] is the origin and the [[representative]] of [[culture]] (and of the [[Law]]), it is because he possesses the [[phallus]] that he can give or refuse. The absolute primacy of the [[phallus]] - the single emblem of Man - has become a [[real]] doctrinal (perhaps dogmatic) basis of [[Lacanian]] [[theory]]: "The [[phallus]] is the [[signifier]] of [[signifier]]s, the privileged signifier of that mark in which the [[role]] of the [[logos]] is joined with the advent of [[desire]]," its function "touches on its most profound rapport: that in which the Ancients embodied the <i>Nous</i>, the [[Mind]], and the <i>Logos</i>, [[discourse]], [[reason]]." Why such a privilege? "This [[signifier]] is chosen as the most tangible element in the real of [[sexual]] copulation; it is the most [[symbolic]] in the literal sense," since "it is equivalent to the [[logical]] copula." Moreover, "by virtue of its turgidity, it epitomizes the [[image]] of the vital flow as it is transmitted in generation." [[Freud]] says, there is only one [[libido]], [[masculine]] in [[nature]]. Later, [[Lacan]] will assert that "[[there is no such thing as sexual rapport]]," <i>[[il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel]]</i>, in the sense of proportion or relation: one sex counts for both [[sexes]]. Thus the [[phallus]] can only appear as veiled.  == English =={| class="wikitable" width="250px100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" align="centerleft" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="line-height:2.0em; padding-left:30px; background:#ffffff; text-align:center;"| Author(s)| Title| Publisher| Year| Pages| Language| Size| Extension| colspan="5" |Mirrors
| bgcolor="#ffffff" width="200px" style="padding-left[[Jacques Lacan]]|The Seminar of Jacques Lacan:10px" Book 5Formations of the Unconscious|Polity Press|2017|529|English|32 Mb|pdf| [ <nowiki>[{{Y}}|Date1]</nowiki>]| bgcolor, ["#ffffff" width="50px" style="padding766C4B3A0A8B01F96E9447AAA347A334 <nowiki>[2]</nowiki>], [ <nowiki>[3]</nowiki>], [http:10px" | // <nowiki>[4]</nowiki>], [ <nowiki>[{{Y}}|PDF5]</nowiki>]
| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}Jacques Lacan]]|06 novembre Formations of the Unconscious, V, 1957]]-1958 (The Seminar of Jacques Lacan)|Polity|2017|529|English|31 Mb|pdf| [http://{{archive}} <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>], [http:/seminaireV/1957libgen.11io/get.06php?md5=8B8C1EA1B489784CB763E2A3D77CFA51 <nowiki>[2]</nowiki>], [http://b-ok.pdf linkcc/md5/8B8C1EA1B489784CB763E2A3D77CFA51 <nowiki>[3]</nowiki>]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left, [http:15px" | // <nowiki>[[{{Y}}|13 novembre 19574]</nowiki>]| , [http://{{archive}} <nowiki>[5]</1957.11.13.pdf linknowiki>]|-} ==French=={| bgcolorclass="#fffffftoccolours floatright" style="paddingfloat:right;margin-left:15px10px; clear: right; margin: 0 0 0.5em 1em;" | [[{{Y}}|20 novembre 1957]]| [http+ style="font-size: larger; margin-left://{{archive}}/seminaireV/1957.11.20.pdf link]1em;" ||-style="vertical-align: top;"| bgcolorcolspan="#ffffff3" style="padding-leftbackground:15px#CCCCCC;" align="center" | ['''Download''' [{{Y}}|27 novembre 1957]] | [httphttps://{{archive}} link#F!bW4QxCyT!fsfKX3uBscmVA7jzO34QAQ ALL]|-style="vertical-align: top;"|{| bgcolorwidth="#ffffff100%" style="padding-leftvalign:15pxtop" valign="top" | * [[{{Y}}|04 décembre!rP4H0KqL!9ak-tFmhyuPR9s_VbsMKKnatjutEDl9Mv_EU0bouSh0 1957].11.06]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!qaxzHIIR!DeNLRUgC3Owzf9NPeREXWjauQdZq5cuA4Yg4YaEVDB0 1957.1211.04.pdf link13]|-| bgcolor="* [" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|!nOh1HaST!1x_EhuNh8qVy6sNAGAqyHNbvTDLHCUL2PeybVskDH50 1957.11 décembre 1957].20]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!DWpVWYSJ!1RL2kOEwSCx2RuYHuesBDBoO6UFqz1sVemT0tiELEs0 1957.12.11.pdf link27]|-| bgcolor="* [" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|18 décembre !PewRGa5a!nCZVK2NCIHFRCCyyx90zvB1ntWusiAawY6Jskr5erL4 1957].12.04]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!TTxXjaJD!O8Y6JxMSkC67U29e644QNKD14IuhyabLGItualXsj6Q 1957.12.18.pdf link11]|-|| bgcolor="* [" style="padding!OGoliC5C!wHQeFcIXDdUkoR8rb7DMa-4-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|08 janvier 1958]via0F_3aRvaVqXXW9XY 1957.12.18]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!iWxVWKpY!YG7h8zN_XVbpVMkSe4C1HCGQy4wTf8zkuqWpUPoo3T8 1958.01.08.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|15 janvier 1958]] | * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!eHplwaBY!5Mo38u1g-7uWJ0yRJvd40KQyokKUIzT6iZJH3SN0Vcc 1958.01.15.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [* [{{Y}}|22 janvier 1958]] | [httphttps://{{archive}}/!uXo1AA6a!bNKj9oIev1I1Qt5seIs1MVIEzmh7WCygBMvSZmnSbZY 1958.01.22.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [* [{{Y}}|29 janvier 1958]] | [httphttps://{{archive}}/!rGhVzCgJ!ewMgHhihOcglkYs_8-5TOPverhDluS63P-Ya_JrCj_k 1958.01.29.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|05 février 1958]] | * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!DHxXgahA!TNiS9696jsCFJued9bP7F_u1N9cfJImcWnkky94FdY4 1958.02.05.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|12 février 1958]] | * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!je4BxC4I!wIHUmJ_2XtRtQMLsT6NsxukuULWIWfm-XrrNxqVKjXg 1958.02.12.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|05 mars 1958]]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!yKoxwa4a!pI_9ACzn8ULL0mWZT_rccxMyU0Iu4IKzkaCmlKutRu0 1958.03.05.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|12 mars 1958]]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!WSwlgKBa!sriBkzXcgf0WEvWcfe0JyzA8ELSafkadmhviM9JuCws 1958.03.12.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | * [[{{Y}}|19 mars 1958]]| [httphttps://{{archive}}/!3DpnlAoC!McI5jdeemozModSudZ2XrxIT361PVrDJMu1w4_fzopE 1958.03.19.pdf link]|-| bgcolor="* [" style="padding!LH5TxI7I!Vl5gF3m5n9EmS-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|c1mz4_SKdTT4l85R3oh9hc4Rn5fKU 1958.03.26 mars 1958]]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!mWhFhSTZ!uR7VcyNl_FnhesiiGYlqhBCBtiMXDTIecDQXJsSBJ_4 1958.0304.26.pdf link09]|-|| bgcolor="* [" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|09 avril !DehnAaxK!91OdtBaeBc2aW566bWTMW7OCmfjudyqZihx7cfeARYc 1958].04.16] | * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!TegnAIbA!YvAae-tPKpbO53NMmxrEU-TtXmnW3U_SNJnhG_XznM0 1958.04.09.pdf link23]|* [!eG51DK7Z!Q02-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="paddingfuuRWNRmG0BLL0pOI0-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|16 avril 6CBAoKeVNnwl90T5e9zg 1958].05.07] | * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!2PpxCATR!Xnjmp2bCuxZ6duJzVUMPXBsUVXaTpNWckkZ8GNuNSXY 1958.0405.16.pdf link14]|-| bgcolor="* [" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|23 avril !KP5H2CyA!EbuKA3ATnXNvoqKDLGrQJEHrnfJUEDwyiTnVNfJ8l88 1958].05.21]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!HWgFRIKQ!GvELfjTBf94kyYjbbqCktBppIyx-3ofGURmFYunskbU 1958.06.04.23.pdf link]|-|| bgcolor="* [" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|30 avril !PeplxSyI!IVJzaYujjdcLyEVwxyXQO1RT5f3hArOHszHWRwf4Mlg 1958].06.11]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!eb4jEKbT!WowRSo4dahMuPUul2lFFhq6dyEuj7N9Zr5yQ_j6RFpA 1958.0406.30.pdf link18]|-| bgcolor="* [" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|07 mai !yDoFnKYZ!HuUrVsRTzobt1dJlns2EdOBdALKLjGeG23gHM1wtdHw 1958].06.25]| * [httphttps://{{archive}}/!Hag1ySBT!TP0JMuS_qN3vTSqki9oKEkVxCVYIY4GkuR6QUshhx9M 1958.0507.0702]* [https://mega.pdf linknz/#F!bW4QxCyT!fsfKX3uBscmVA7jzO34QAQ Download all]|-}| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | }French versions of [[{{Y}}Jacques Lacan|14 mai 1958Lacan's]]| [[Seminars]] Source: http://{{archive}}/seminaireV/1958ecole-lacanienne.05.14net* [[:File:Seminaire_05.pdf link|Download]]|-| bgcolor<BR><pdf width="#ffffff450px" styleheight="padding600px">File:Seminaire_05.pdf</pdf><!--1957-left1958<b>Le séminaire, Livre V:15px" | Les formations de [[{{Y}}|21 mai 1958l'inconscient]].</b><br>| [http[French]]: (texte établi par Jacques-[[Alain]] [[Miller]]), [[Paris]]://{{archive}}/seminaireV/1958Seuil, 1998.05<br>[[English]]: unpublished.21.pdf link]|-{| bgcolorstyle="width:100%; border:1px solid #ffffff" style="aaa;text-align:left; line-height:2.0em; padding-left:15px10px;"|width="100%" | [[{{Y}}Jacques Lacan|04 juin 1958Lacan, Jacques]]. [[Seminar I| [httpThe Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book II ://{{archive}}/seminaireV/1958The Ego in Freud's Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis 1954-1955 (Seminar of Jacques Lacan)]]. Ed.06[[Jacques-Alain Miller]].04 Trans.pdf link[[Sylvana Tomaselli]]|-| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left. New York:15px" | W. W. Norton & Company, 1991. Paperback, [[{{Y}}|11 juin 1958Language]] | : English, ISBN: 0393307093. <small><small>Buy it at [http://{{archive}}], [http:/seminaireV/1958www.06amazon.11ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/0393307093/nosub07-20/ Amazon.pdf linkca]|, [| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|18 juin 1958]21/]| , [http://{{archive}}] or [http:/seminaireV/1958www.06amazon.18fr/exec/obidos/ASIN/0393307093/nosub04-21/ Amazon.pdf linkfr].</small></small>|-}<BR>{| bgcolorstyle="width:100%; border:1px solid #ffffff" style="aaa;text-align:left; line-height:2.0em; padding-left:15px10px;" | width="100%"| [[Jacques Lacan|Lacan, Jacques]]. [[{{Y}}Seminar I|25 juin 1958Le séminaire, Livre II: Le moi dans la théorie de Freud et dans la technique de la psychanalyse]]. Ed. [[Jacques-Alain Miller]]| . Paris: Seuil, 1977. 374 pages, Language: French, ISBN: 2020047276. <small><small>Buy it at [http://{{archive}}], [http:/seminaireV/1958www.06amazon.25ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/2020047276/nosub07-20/ Amazon.pdf linkca]|, [| bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-left:15px" | [[{{Y}}|02 juillet 1958]21/]| , [http://{{archive}}] or [http:/seminaireV/1958www.07amazon.02fr/exec/obidos/ASIN/2020047276/nosub04-21/ Amazon.pdf linkfr].</small></small>
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