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A collection of thirty-five [[theoretical ]] [[texts ]] written between 1936 and 1966. [[Écrits ]] has veen been characterized as elitist by [[Jean-Claude Milner]], but [[Slavoj Žižek ]] claims that
<blockquote>In fact, Lacan’s [[seminars ]] and [[ecrits ]] relate like analysand’s and analyst’s [[speech ]] in the [[treatment]]. In seminars, [[Lacan ]] [[acts ]] as [[analysand]], he “freely associates,” improvises, jumps, addressing his [[public]], which is thus put into the [[role ]] of a kind of collective [[analyst]]. In comparison, his writings are more condensed, formulaic, and they throw at the reader unreadable ambiguous propositions which often appear like oracles, challenging the reader to start [[working ]] on [[them]], to translate them into clear theses and provide examples and [[logical ]] demonstrations of them.[]</blockquote>
=====Table of contents=====
# [[The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I Function|The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the ''I'' Function, as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience]]
# [[Aggressiveness in Psychoanalysis]]
# A Theoretical Introduction to the Functions of [[Psychoanalysis ]] in Criminology# Presentation on [[Psychical ]] [[Causality ]] # Logical [[Time ]] and the Assertion of Anticipated [[Certainty ]] # Presentation on [[Transference]]# On the [[Subject ]] Who Is Finally in Question
# [[The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis]]
# Variations on the Standard Treatment
# On a [[Purpose]]# Introduction to [[Jean Hyppolite]]'s Commentary on [[Freud]]'s "[[Verneinung]]"
# Response to Jean Hyppolite's Commentary on Freud's "Verneinung"
# [[The Freudian Thing, or the Meaning of the Return to Freud in Psychoanalysis]]
# Psychoanalysis and it's Teaching
# The [[Situation ]] of Psychoanalysis and the [[Training ]] of Psychoanalysis in 1956
# [[The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious, or Reason Since Freud]]
# [[On a Question Prior to Any Possible Treatment of Psychosis]]
# [[The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of Its Power]]
# Remarks on [[Daniel Lagache]]'s Presentation: "Psychoanalysis and [[Personality ]] [[Structure]]"
# [[The Signification of the Phallus]]
# In [[Memory ]] of Ernst [[Jones]]: On His [[Theory ]] of [[Symbolism]]
# On an Ex Post Facto Syllabary
# Guiding Remarks for a Convention on [[Female ]] [[Sexuality ]] # The Youth of Gide, or the [[Letter ]] and [[Desire ]] # [[Kant ]] with [[Sade]]
# [[The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire in the Freudian Unconscious]]
# [[Position ]] of the [[Unconscious]]# On Freud's "[[Trieb]]" and [[Psychoanalyst]]'s Desire# [[Science ]] and [[Truth ]]
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