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=‘Incontinence of the Void: Economico-Philosophical Spandrels’ by Slavoj Žižek=
<div class="entry-content">[[Image:incontinence-of-the-void-slavoj-zizek-theoryleaks.jpg|framethumb|right|300px]][!97w1SZ7b!IfSQzus1z_MXKv3niv3j5XRpLSrj1aEldWO7--hvceA DOWNLOAD]
'''The “formidably brilliant” Žižek considers [[sexuality]], [[ontology]], [[subjectivity]], and Marxian critiques of [[political ]] [[economy ]] by way of [[Lacanian ]] [[psychoanalysis]].''' If the most interesting [[theoretical ]] interventions emerge today from the interspaces between fields, then the foremost interspaceman is [[Slavoj Žižek]]. In ''In Incontinence of the Void ''[[Void]] (the title is inspired by a [[sentence ]] in Samuel Beckett’s late masterpiece ''Ill Seen Ill Said''), Žižek explores the empty spaces between [[philosophy]], psychoanalysis, and the critique of [[political economy]]. He proceeds from the [[universal ]] [[dimension ]] of philosophy to the [[particular ]] dimension of sexuality to the [[singular ]] dimension of the [[critique of political economy]]. The passage from one dimension to [[another ]] is immanent: the [[ontological ]] void is accessible only through the impasses of [[sexuation ]] and the ongoing prospect of the abolition of sexuality, which is itself opened up by the techno-scientific technoscientific [[progress ]] of [[global ]] [[capitalism]], in turn leading to the critique of political economy. Responding to his colleague and fellow Short Circuits [[author ]] Alenka Zupančič’s [../../../../text/books/alenka-zupancic/what-is-sex/index.html ''What ''Is ''Zupančič’s What Is Sex?''], Žižek examines the [[notion ]] of an excessive element in ontology that gives [[body ]] to radical negativity, which becomes the [[antagonism ]] of [[sexual ]] [[difference]]. From the economico-[[philosophical ]] perspective, Žižek extrapolates from ontological [[excess ]] to Marxian [[surplus ]] [[value ]] to Lacan’s surplus [[enjoyment]]. In [[true ]] Žižekian fashion,'' Incontinence Incontinence of the Void'' focuses on eternal topics while detouring freely into contemporary issues from issuesfrom the Internet of Things to Danish TV series. <div class="download">[!97w1SZ7b!IfSQzus1z_MXKv3niv3j5XRpLSrj1aEldWO7--hvceA DOWNLOAD]</div>
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