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The Symbolic Order

The Supremacy of the Signifier

The exteriority, autonomy and displacement of the signifier; its defiles

  • Exteriority: 64-66
  • The defiles 65-66, 126-7, 147-8, 158, 255-256, 310-311

The signifying unit

  • Symbol, letter, signifier: 61-65, 82, 104, 152-153, 183-4, 233-234, 263, 316-317
  • Articulation: 126
  • Materiality and locus of the letter: 87, 147-148

The structure: the symbolic, the imaginary, the real

  • 64 (production of the real by the symbolic), 180-187 (hallucination), 191 (supremacy of the symbolic over the imaginary), 195 (supremacy of the symbolic over the real), 197 (intrusion of the imaginary in the real)

The supremacy of the signifier over the signified

  • 150-154, 160, 284, 289-290

The Defiles of the Signifier

The genesis of the ego:imaginary identification

  • See The function of the ego
  • Primordial symbolization and primary identification (the demand for love and the 'Fort-Da'): 103-104, 233-234, 255, 285-286
  • The mirror-stage: 107, 42, 54-55, 137-9, 196, 209, 211-212
  • Narcissism: 16-25, 123
  • Aggressivity: 8-29, 42 (See The fragmented body)
  • The superego: 21, 143, 255-256
  • The ideal ego: 2, 307

The production of the subject: symbolic identification

  • See The structure of the subject

===The ego-ideal, introjection and the function of the single stroke: 197, 274, 206-7, 316-317

  • TThe Name-of-the-Father (agency of the symolic, or dead, Father) and primal repression: 67, 199, 217, 310, 314 (See: Foreclosure)
  • The Law (symbolic pact, debt): 61-2, 65-68, 143-144
  • The Oedipus complex (secondary, normalizing identification): 5-6, 20-25, 66, 197

The Signifying Chain

  • Repetition (repetition compulsion, the insistence of the chain): 102-3, 153-4, 199-200 (See Regression).
  • Overdetermination and logical time (anticipation and retroaction; change, encounter and destiny): 48, 75, 196, 197-198, 306
  • Remembering, recollection: 142-142 (contrasted with imaginary reminiscence), 167
  • Death, the second death, the death drive, the real as impossible, the being of the existent: 8, 28-9, 101-106, 140, 168-9, 196, 213-214, 307-309

The Ego, the Subject

The Body, the Ego, the Subject

The organism, one's own body, the fragmented body

  • The mirror-stage, the subject of the chain: 2, 4-5, 52-54, 69, 87, 126-127, 162, 196-197, 248, 301-302, 314-316

The Function of the Ego

The illusion of autonomy

  • Meconnaissance: 6, 15-20, 41-42, 138
  • The paranoiac structure of the ego (and of human knowledge): 3-4, 17, 138
  • the formations of the ego (ideals of the person):281-283
  • Representation: 160-162, 272 (See Desire and phantasy)
  • Defence: 5, 10 (See Frustration, Resistance)
  • Love and hate: 7, 54, 243-244, 255 (See: primal symbolization, narcissism, the objet a)


  • Identification with the other, transitivism, projection, the dual relation: 9, 14-15, 134
  • the naimal (animal psychology): 3, 86, 148, 195, 305
  • Hegelian categories: the struggle to the death, recognition, prestige, the absolute Master: 25-29, 42, 99, 142, 307
  • Consciousness of self, infatuation, the belle ame, the law of the heart, the cunning of Reason, absolute knowledge: 79-81, 122, 126, 296-297

Group psychology

  • 274-275 (See the ego-ideal, the single stroke

the geometry of the ego

  • (imaginary space): 3, 27, 96, 134 (See: The topology of the subject)

The Structure of the Subject

The true subject

  • The subject of the chain: 73-74, 179-181, 195-196
  • The subject of science: 70-72, 216, 292-293 (See: Psychoanalysis and science)
  • 'Wo es war, soll Ich werden': 128-129, 171, 299-300, 313-314
  • 'Cogito, (ergo) sum': 164-165, 307
  • Affirmation, repression (de)negation, foreclosure: (see index of german terms under Bejahung, Verdangung, Verneinung, Verwerfung)
  • The division, splitting and fading of the subject: 2-3, 79-80, 277, 285, 294, 311-313 (See: Desire and phantasy)
  • The topolog of the subject (symbolic space): 105, 142, 187, 195-198, 285, 302-303, 316 (See: the locus of the letter, the geometry of the ego, the locus of the Other, Metaphor)

Intersubjective Communication

Desire and its Interpretation

The Formations of the Unconscious

The Analytic Experience

The Phallus

The drives

  • 189-190, 236-237, 314-316

L'objet a

197-198, 220-221, 239, 243-244, 250, 251-252, 265, 274-275, 314-316, 322-324

Jouissance, castration

  • 198-199, 206-207, 246, 262-269, 281-291, 316-318


  • 'Man's desire is the desire of the Other': 5-6, 58, 67, 288-289
  • Desire and the Law; need, demand, desire; desire and phantasy: 166-167, 175, 244, 252, 258-259, 263-265, 269, 272, 275-276, 285-288, 310-313, 322-323

Clinical Practice

Freud's Cases

Psychiatric Practice

Epistemology and the Theory of ideology


The Theory of Ideology

The ideology of freedom

  • theory of the autonomous ego, humanism, rights of man, responsibility, anthropomorphism, ideals, instinctual maturation, etc.:26-27, 53-55, 132, 165, 216, 230-231, 306

The ideology of free enterprise

  • the American Way of Life , human relations, human engineering, success, happiness, patern, etc.: 37-38, 115-116, 127-128, 231, 243