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Freud's papers on technique

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Le séminaire, Livre I: Les écrits techniques de [[Freud]][[French]]: (texte établi par Jacques-[[Alain ]] [[Miller]]), [[Paris]]: Seuil, 1975.[[English]]: Book I: Freud's Papers on [[Technique ]] (edited by [[Jacques-Alain Miller]]), New York: Norton, 1988.
The first [[seminar]], open to the [[public]], takes [[place ]] at [[Sainte-Anne ]] Hospital just after the creation of the [[S.F.P ]] (Société Française de [[Psychanalyse]]). [[Lacan ]] cuts in the study of Freud by dint of his [[theory ]] on the [[imaginary]], the [[symbolic ]] and the [[real]]. The focal point of the [[discussion ]] is the direction of the [[cure]]. Participants are allowed to make presentations, comments and objections. Through the [[case ]] histories of Freud, [[Klein]], [[Kris ]] and [[Balint]], the debate elucidates on the convergence of [[psychoanalysis]], [[philosophy]], [[theology]], [[linguistics ]] and [[game ]] theory. In keeping with this heterogeneous approach, Lacan will further appeal to the [[science ]] of [[optics ]] to systematize his [[analyses ]] of the [[specular ]] relation. After his [[schema ]] of the [[inverted bouquet ]] the [[mirror ]] [[stage ]] becomes part of the [[topography ]] of [[the Imaginary]]. As to the méconnaissance mé[[connaissance]] that characterizes the ego, it is associated with [[Verneinung ]] (dénégationdé[[négation]]): "...everyday [[speech ]] runs against failure of [[recognition]], [[méconnaissance]], which is the source of Verneinung." He closes the seminar pondering on the [[role ]] of the [[analyst]]: "...if the [[subject ]] commits himself to searching after [[truth ]] as such, it is because he places himself in the [[dimension ]] of [[ignorance]], what [[analysts ]] call readiness to the [[transference]]. The analyst's ignorance is also worth of consideration. He doesn't have to [[guide ]] the subject to [[knowledge]], but on to the paths by which access to this knowledge is gained. Psychoanalysis is a dialectics, an art of conversation."In a spoken [[intervention ]] (Appendix), [[Jean Hyppolite ]] comments on Freud's Verneinung and suggests its [[translation ]] as [[dénégation ]] instead of négation. The question here deals with how the [[return ]] of the [[repressed ]] operates. According to Freud the repressed is intellectually accepted by the subject, since it is named, and at the same [[time ]] is negated because the subject refuses to recognize it as his, refuses to recognize him in it. Dénégation includes an assertion whose status is difficult to define. The frontier between [[neurosis ]] and [[psychosis ]] is drawn here, between [[repression]], Verdrägung, and [[repudiation]], [[Verwerfung]], a term that Lacan will replace by [[withdrawal]], and finally by "[[foreclosure]]" ([[forclusion]]), the former [[being ]] related to neurosis, the latter to psychosis.When answering Hyppolite in [[La Psychanalyse ]] that same year, Lacan establishes two poles of [[analytic ]] [[experience]]: [[the imaginary ]] ego and [[the symbolic ]] speech. Lacan gives precedence to [[the Symbolic ]] over the Imaginary. The subject who must come to be is "the subject of the [[unconscious]]" and "the unconscious is the [[discourse ]] of the [[Other]]." In [[analysis]], he says, "the subject first talks [[about ]] himself without talking to you, then he talks to you without talking about himself. When he is able to talk to you about himself, the analysis is over."To this reshaping of the Imaginary by the Symbolic, he opposes the intersection of the Symbolic and [[the Real ]] without mediation of the Imaginary, which would be the characteristic of psychosis. [[Category:Seminars]][[Category:Jacques Lacan]][[Category:Works]]
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