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Jacques Lacan:Biography

30 bytes added, 11:10, 27 October 2006
<!-- * Lacan posits that the notion of structure does not allow to create a common field uniting linguistics, ethnology and psychoanalysis. Linguistics has no hold over the unconscious because "it leaves as a blank that which produces effects in the unconscious: the ''objet a'', the very focus of the analytical act, and of any act. "Only the discourse that is defined in the terms of psychoanalysis manifests the subject as other giving him the key to his division, whereas science, by making the subject a master, conceals him to the extent the the desire that gives way to him bars him from me without remedy." There is only one myth in Lacan's discourse: the Freudian Oedipus complex.-->* ''[[Seminar XXIII|Le séminaire, Livre XXIII: Le sinthome]], in [[Ornicar?]]'' 6. 
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