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* The clover-leaf knot: the three components have been connected together into a single continuous loop.
For Lacan, the knot symbolizes [[the Imaginary]]. As an imaginary [[construct]], it gives consistency to [[the symbolic]]. Taken [[symbolically]], the knot represents the undecidability of [[The Real|the real ]] or imaginary.
The knot is an [[object]] located in [[space]]. A two-dimensional [[representation]] of it is made by means of crossings over or under. The knot's structure is determined by what crosses over or under what. However, the knot's structure is not dependent on its representation. Indeed, it was to translate representation into structure that an [[algebraic]] [[writing]] [[system]] for knots was developed. This writing system was refined over the course of the twentieth century and gradually made it possible to distinguish among different types of knots. In this system, the knot's [[topological]] loops become letters (in the [[form]] of polynomials). This marks the fact that the knot originates in the lost [[letter]].
In [[particular]], he referred to the structure of rings on the coat of arms of the Borromei [[family]]. After introducing this [[notion]] on February 9, 1972, in his [[seminar]] ". . . ou pire" ([[. . . Or Worse|. . . or worse]]), he made the knot a central focus of his [[theory]].
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