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524 bytes added, 02:32, 29 June 2006
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In contemporary usage, '[[phallocentrism]]' tends to refer to the Lacanian theory of the [[phallus]].
The accussation of [[phallocentrism]] is crucial to [[Irigaray]]'s critique of [[psychoanalysis]].
“Phallus centered”
The term has gained currency among psychoanalytic thought. Phallus isn’t considered to be the same as the penis, but is the symbol of difference between the sexes and signifier of the status which has been socially conferred upon biological maleness.
“ Jacques Derrida suggests that the primacy of the word and phallocentrism are the same thing; language is the realm of the fathers and the phallus is the ‘privileged signifier’. (Encyclopedia of Feminism )
==See Also==
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