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1,383 bytes added, 07:55, 21 June 2006
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An important feature of [[Derrida]]'s [[deconstruction]] and of his critique of [[logocentrism]]'s neglect of [[writing]], as typified by the Western tradition from [[Plato]] to [[Saussure]] and [[Levi-Strauss]].
==obscene supplement of the law==
Here, however, it would be productive to introduce the distinction between the public symbolic Law and its obscene supplement: the notion of the obscene superego double-supplement of Power implies that there is no Power without violence. Power always has to rely on an obscene stain of violence, political space is never "pure" but always involves some kind of reliance on "pre-political" violence. Of course, the relationship between political power and pre-political violence is one of mutual implication: not only is violence the necessary supplement of power, (political) power itself is always-already at the roots of every apparently "non-political" relationship of violence. The accepted violence and direct relationship of subordination in the Army, Church, family and other "non-political" social forms is in itself the "reification" of a certain ethico-political struggle and decision - what a critical analysis should do is to discern the hidden political process that sustains all these "non-" or "pre-political" relationships. In human society, the political is the encompassing structuring principle, so that every neutralization of some partial content as "non-political" is a political gesture par excellence.
==Spectral Supplement==
[[Žižek]]'s argument is that it is this [[spectral]] [[supplement]] that constitutes the basis of all [[ideologies]].
Furthermore, he avers that [[reality]] itself depends on this [[supplement]].
This concept relies on our understanding the distinction between [[reality]] and the [[Real]].
We have no access to the [[Real]] because our [[world]] is always mediated by the [[Symbolic]].
[[Reality]], as we know it, therefore, is always [[Symbolic]]. However, the [[Symbolization]] of the [[Real]] is, and cannot be, complete.
The [[Symbolic]] can never saturate the [[Real]] and so, consequently, there is always some part of the [[Real]] which remains [[unsymbolized]].
What cannot be accommodated in the [[Symbolic]] produces a fundamental [[antagonism]]. It is this part of the [[Real]] that returns to haunt [[reality]] in the guise of the [[spectral]] [[supplement]].
The [[spectre]] conceals the piece of the [[Real]] which has to be forsaken if [[reality]] (in the guise of the [[Symbolic]]) is to [[exist]].
And it is here, in the [[spectral]] [[supplement]], that [[Žižek]] locates the foundation or kernel of all [[ideologies]].
All of which is another way of saying that [[reality]] and [[ideology]] are mutually implicated in each other.
One cannot exist without the other.<ref>{{Myers}} p.75</ref>
==See Also==
* [[Masturbation]]
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