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Jacques Lacan
Jacques Marie Émile Lacan (1901 - 1981) was a French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who has been called "the most controversial psycho-analyst since Freud". Giving yearly seminars in Paris from 1953 to 1981, Lacan influenced many leading French intellectuals in the 1960s and the 1970s, especially those associated with post-structuralism. His ideas had a significant impact on post-structuralism, critical theory, linguistics, 20th-century French philosophy, film theory, and clinical psychoanalysis.

A Act - Acting out - AdaptationAggressivity - Algebra - Alienation - Analysand - Anxiety - Autonomous ego - More

B Bar - Beautiful soul - Being - Bejahung - Biology - Borromean knot - More

C Castration complex - Cogito - Communication - Complex - Condensation - Consciousness - Counterpart - Countertransference - More

D das Ding - Death drive - Demand - Desire - Desire of the analyst - Development - Discourse - Displacement - Drive - Dual relation - More

E Ego - Ego-ideal - Ego-psychology - End of analysis - Enunciation - Ethics - Existence - Extimacy - More

F Fantasy - Father - Fetishism - Foreclosure - Formation - Fragmented body - More

G Gaze - Graph of desire - More

H Helplessness - Hysteria - More

I Id - Ideal-ego - Identification - Imaginary - International Psycho-Analytical Association - Interpretation - Intersubjectivity - More

J Jouissance - More

K Kleinian psychoanalysis - Knowledge - More

L Lack - Language - Law - Letter - Libido - Linguistics - Love - More

M Master - Matheme - Metalanguage - Metonymy - Mirror Stage - Moebius strip - Mother - Méconnaissance - More

N Name-of-the-Father - Narcissism - Nature - Need - Negation - Neurosis - More

O Objet petit a - Obsessional neurosis - Oedipus complex - Order - Other - More

P Paranoia - Passage to the act - Phallus - Philosophy - Phobia - Pleasure principle - Point de capiton - Psychoanalysis - Psychology - Psychosis - More

R Real - Recollection - Register - Regression - Religion - Repetition - Repression - Resistance - More

S Seminar - Sexual Difference - Sexual Relationship - Sign - Signification - Signifier - Signifying chain - Specular Image - Speech - Split - Subject - Subject supposed to know - Sublimation - Superego - Symbolic - Symptom - More

T Thing - Topology - Treatment - Truth - More

U Unconscious - More

W Woman - More

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