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Thanks, But We'll Do It Ourselves

215 bytes added, 14:29, 7 June 2006
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So although the French and Dutch No is not sustained by a coherent and detailed alternative vision, it at least <i>clears the space for it</i>. This void demands to be filled with new projects—in contrast to the pro-Constitution stance that effectively precludes <i>thinking</i>, presenting us with an administrative-political <i>fait accompli</i>. The message of this No to all of us who care for Europe is: We will not allow anonymous experts whose merchandise is sold to us in a brightly colored, liberal-multiculturalist package to prevent us from thinking. It is time for us “Europeans”—both citizens and lovers of Europe—to become aware that we have to make a properly Political decision of what we want. No enlightened administrator will do the job for us.
* [[Thanks, But We'll Do It Ourselves]]. ''In These Times''. June 19, 2005. <>. Also listed on ''''. <>.
[[Category:Articles by Slavoj Žižek]]
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