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Sexual relationship

6,359 bytes added, 22:23, 27 April 2006
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sexual relationship (rapport sexuel) Lacan first proposes his

famous formula: il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel in 1970 (see Lacan 1969-70:

134), and takes it up again in his seminar of 1972-3 (S20, 17). This formula is

usually translated into English as 'There is no such thing as a sexual relation-

ship', which is misleading since Lacan is certainly not denying that people have

sex! The formula might be better rendered 'There is no relation between the

sexes', thus emphasising that it is not primarily the act of sexual intercourse that

Lacan is referring to but the question of the relation between the masculine

sexual position and the feminine sexual position. The formula thus condenses a

number of points in Lacan's approach to the question of SEXUAL DIFFERENCE:

1. There is no direct, unmediated relation between the male and female

sexual position, because the Other of language stands between them as a third

party (S20, 64). 'Between male and female human beings there is no such

thing as an instinctive relationship' because all sexuality is marked by the

signifier (Lacan, l975b). One consequence of this is that it is not possible to

define perversion by reference to a supposedly natural form of the sexual

relationship (as Freud did). Heterosexuality is thus not natural but normative

(Ec, 223).

2. There is no reciprocity or symmetry between the male and female

positions because the [[Symbolic]] order is fundamentally asymmetrical; there is

no corresponding signifier which could signify [[Woman]] in the same way that the

male sex is symbolised. There is only one signifier, the [[Phallus]], which governs

the relations between the sexes (E, 289). There is thus no symbol for a

symmetrical sexual relationship: 'the sexual relationship cannot be written'

(S20, 35).

3. Relations between men and women can never be harmonious; 'The most

naked rivalry between men and women is eternal' (S2, 263). Love is no more

than an illusion designed to make up for the absence of harmonious relations

between the sexes (whether presented in mythical terms, as in Plato's Sympo-

sium, or in psychoanalytic terms, as in Balint's concept of GENITAL œOVC).

4. The sexual drives are directed not towards a 'whole person' but towards

PART-OBJECTS. There is therefore no such thing as a sexual relationship between

two subjects, only between a subject and a (partial) object. For the man, the

object a occupies the place of the missing partner, which produces the

matheme of fantasy (SOa); in other words, the [[Woman]] does not exist for

the man as a [[Real]] subject, but only as a fantasy object, the cause of his desire

(S20, 58).

5. [[Woman]] cannot function sexually qua [[Woman]] but only qua mother;

'[[Woman]] begins to function in the sexual relationship only as mother' (S20,


6. As something rooted in the [[Real]], sex is opposed to meaning; and 'sex, in

represents a radically different way in which the SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP CAD

misfire (S20, 53-4).

sexual relationship (rapport sexuel) Lacan first proposes his

famous formula: il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel in 1970 (see Lacan 1969-70:

134), and takes it up again in his seminar of 1972-3 (S20, 17). This formula is

usually translated into English as 'There is no such thing as a sexual relation-

ship', which is misleading since Lacan is certainly not denying that people have

sex! The formula might be better rendered 'There is no relation between the

sexes', thus emphasising that it is not primarily the act of sexual intercourse that

Lacan is referring to but the question of the relation between the masculine

sexual position and the feminine sexual position. The formula thus condenses a

number of points in Lacan's approach to the question of SEXUAL DIFFERENCE:

1. There is no direct, unmediated relation between the male and female

sexual position, because the Other of language stands between them as a third

party (S20, 64). 'Between male and female human beings there is no such

thing as an instinctive relationship' because all sexuality is marked by the

signifier (Lacan, l975b). One consequence of this is that it is not possible to

define perversion by reference to a supposedly natural form of the sexual

relationship (as Freud did). Heterosexuality is thus not natural but normative

(Ec, 223).

2. There is no reciprocity or symmetry between the male and female

positions because the [[Symbolic]] order is fundamentally asymmetrical; there is

no corresponding signifier which could signify [[Woman]] in the same way that the

male sex is symbolised. There is only one signifier, the [[Phallus]], which governs

the relations between the sexes (E, 289). There is thus no symbol for a

symmetrical sexual relationship: 'the sexual relationship cannot be written'

(S20, 35).

3. Relations between men and women can never be harmonious; 'The most

naked rivalry between men and women is eternal' (S2, 263). Love is no more

than an illusion designed to make up for the absence of harmonious relations

between the sexes (whether presented in mythical terms, as in Plato's Sympo-

sium, or in psychoanalytic terms, as in Balint's concept of GENITAL œOVC).

4. The sexual drives are directed not towards a 'whole person' but towards

PART-OBJECTS. There is therefore no such thing as a sexual relationship between

two subjects, only between a subject and a (partial) object. For the man, the

object a occupies the place of the missing partner, which produces the

matheme of fantasy (SOa); in other words, the [[Woman]] does not exist for

the man as a [[Real]] subject, but only as a fantasy object, the cause of his desire

(S20, 58).

5. [[Woman]] cannot function sexually qua [[Woman]] but only qua mother;

'[[Woman]] begins to function in the sexual relationship only as mother' (S20,


6. As something rooted in the [[Real]], sex is opposed to meaning; and 'sex, in

opposing itself to sense, is also, by definition, opposed to relation, to commu-

nication' (Copjec, 1994: 21).

== References ==

Root Admin, Bots, Bureaucrats, flow-bot, oversight, Administrators, Widget editors

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