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1 byte added, 15:42, 6 April 2010
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pass (passe)In 1967, three years after founding hiS SCHOOL of psycho-analysis (the Ecole Freudienne de Paris, or EFP), Lacan instituted a new kind of procedure in the School (Lacan, 1967). The procedure was called 'the pass'and was essentially an institutional framework designed to allow people to testify to the end of their analysis. The main idea behind this was Lacan's argument that the END OF ANALYSIs is not a quasi-mystical, ineffable experience,but must be (in accordance with the basic principle of psychoanalysis)articulated in language.
The procedure was as follows: the person seeking the pass (le passant) tells two witnesses (les passeurs), who must be in analysis at the time, about his own analysis and its conclusion, and these two witnesses then relay this account (separately) to a jury of seven (some of whom have succesfully been through the pass themselves). The jury then decides,on the basis of the two accounts, whether to award the pass to the candidate. There were no pre-established criteria to guide the jury, since the pass was based on the principle that each person's analysis is unique. If the the candidate was uccessful, he was accorded the title of A.E. (Analyste de L'…cole).
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