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In Praise of Mathematics

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[[File:In Praise of Mathematics.jpg|thumb]]
==Book Description==
Why bother to praise [[mathematics ]] when you [[claim]], as [[Alain ]] [[Badiou ]] does, that [[philosophy ]] is first and foremost a [[metaphysics ]] of [[happiness]], or else it’s not worth an hour of trouble? What possible [[relationship ]] can there be between mathematics and happiness?
That is precisely the issue at stake in this dialogue, which serves as a very accessible introduction to what mathematics is and an exploration of the crucial influence it has always exerted on the greatest [[philosophers]]. Far from the thankless, pointless exercises they are often [[thought ]] to be, mathematics and [[logic ]] are indispensable guides to ridding ourselves of dominant opinions and making possible an access to truths, or to a [[human ]] [[experience ]] of the utmost [[value]]. That is why mathematics may well be the shortest path to the [[true ]] [[life]], which, when it [[exists]], is characterized by an incomparable happiness.
Anonymous user

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