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Everything You Always Wanted to [[Know]] [[About]] [[Lacan]] (But Were Afraid to Ask [[Hitchcock]]) - Slavoj [[Zizek]]

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[[Slavoj Zizek]]

| [[Author]]:
| Slavoj Zizek
| File type:
| pdf
| Series:
| Publisher:
| Verso
| Year:
| 1992
| [[Language]]:
| [[English]]
| 0860913945,9780860913948
| [[Time]] Added:
| Wed Feb 13 2019 13:57:40 GMT+0300 (MSK)
| Author:
| Slavoj Zizek
| File type:
| pdf
| Size:
| 11 mb
| City:
| Edition:
| Pages:
| 287
| Id:
| 576261
| Time Modified:
| Wed Feb 13 2019 13:57:40 GMT+0300 (MSK)
| Extension:
| pdf
| Bibtex:
| &quot;Slavoj Zizek&quot;,
| &quot;[[Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan]] (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock)&quot;

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Hitchcock is placed on the [[analyst]]'s couch in this volume of [[case]]-studies, as its contributors sweep on the entire Hitchcock oeuvre, from &quot;[[Rear Window]]&quot; to &quot;[[Psycho]]&quot; as an exemplar of &quot;postmortem&quot; defamiliarization. Starting from the premise that &quot;everything has [[meaning]]&quot; the [[films]]' ostensible [[narrative]] [[content]] and [[formal]] procedures are [[analyzed]] to reveal a proliferation of [[ideological]] and [[psychical]] mechanisms at [[work]]. But Hitchcock, here, is also a bait to [[lure]] the reader into &quot;serious&quot; [[Marxist]] and [[Lacanian]] considerations on the [[construction]] of meaning. The contributors are: Fredric [[Jameson]], [[Pascal]] bonitzer, [[Miran Bozovic]], [[Michel Chion]], Mladen [[Dolar]], Stojan Pelko, [[Renata Salecl]], Alenka [[Zupancic]] and Slavoj Zizek.

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