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Books/Slavoj Zizek/Contemporary Marxist Theory

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=‘Contemporary Marxist Theory: A Reader’ by Andrew Pendakis, Jeff Diamanti, Nicholas Brown, Josh Robinson & Imre Szeman=
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This volume brings together works written by international theorists since the fall of the Berlin Wall, showing how today’s crisis-ridden global capitalism is making Marxist theory more relevant and necessary than ever. This collection of key texts by prominent and lesser-known thinkers from Latin America, Asia, Africa, America, and Europe showcases an area of scholarly analysis whose impact on academic and popular discourses as well as political action will only grow in the coming years. It reflects today’s sense of planetary eco-emergency and a heightened interest in political economy that follows discontentment with the growing inequalities in the West and the unequal nature of development in the “global South.”The work is organized thematically, with sections covering the present historical conjuncture, the contemporary shapes of the social, philosophical concepts, theories of culture, and the status of the political today. This new formulation of the unity and nature of contemporary Marxist theory will be an invaluable resource to any humanities and social science student learning about social and political thought and theory.----'''Contents'''Acknowledgments<br /> Introduction: Marxisms Lost and Found'''PART ONE''' Notes on the Conjuncture1 Capitalistic Systems, Structures, and Processes<br />''Félix Guattari and Eric Alliez''<br /> 2 Rethinking Marx’s Critical Theory<br />''Moishe Postone''<br /> 3 The Impasses of Liberal Productivism<br />''Alan Lipietz''<br /> 4 Recapturing<br />''Paulin Hountondji''<br /> 5 Immaterial Labor<br />''Maurizio Lazzarato''<br /> 6 Women, Land Struggles, and Globalization: An International Perspective<br />''Silvia Federici''<br /> 7 The Idea of a “Chinese Model”<br />''Arif Dirlik'''''PART TWO''' Shapes of the Social8 Is there a Neo-Racism?<br />''Étienne Balibar''<br /> 9 Marx after Marxism: A Subaltern Historian’s Perspective<br />''Dipesh Chakrabarty''<br /> 10 The Logic of Gender: On the Separation of Spheres and the Process of Abjection<br />''Maya Gonzalez and Jeanne Neton''<br /> 11 Postmodernism or Class? Yes, Please<br />''Slavoj Žižek''<br /> 12 Communization in the Present Tense<br />''Théorie Communiste''<br /> 13 Patriarchy and Commodity Society: Gender without the Body<br />''Roswitha Scholz'''''PART THREE''' Vicissitudes of Truth14 Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value<br />''Gayatri Spivak''<br /> 15 Philosophy as Operation<br />''Pierre Macherey''<br /> 16 What is Transcritique?<br />''Kojin Karatani''<br /> 17 The Idea of Communism<br />''Alain Badiou''<br /> 18 The Kingdom of Philosophy: The Administration of Metanoia<br />''Boris Groys''<br /> 19 Twenty-Five Theses on Philosophy in the Age of Finance Capital<br />''Imre Szeman and Nicholas Brown'''''PART FOUR''' Theories of Culture20 Misplaced Ideas: Literature and Society in Late-Nineteenth-Century Brazil<br />''Roberto Schwarz''<br /> 21 Traditionalism and the Quest for an African Literary Aesthetic<br />''Chidi Amuta''<br /> 22 Marxist Literary Theory, Then and Now<br />''Imre Szeman''<br /> 23 The Antinomies of Postmodernity<br />''Fredric Jameson''<br /> 24 Reading Dialectically<br />''Carolyn Lesjak''<br /> 25 Creative Labor<br />''Sarah Brouillette''<br /> 26 The Work of Art in the Age of its Real Subsumption Under Capital<br />''Nicholas Brown'''''PART FIVE''' Machinations of the Political27 State Crisis and Popular Power<br />''Álvaro García Linera''<br /> 28 Constituent Power: The Concept of a Crisis<br />''Antonio Negri''<br /> 29 Radical Politics Today<br />''Chantal Mouffe''<br /> 30 On Political Will<br />''Peter Hallward''<br /> 31 Communicative Capitalism: Circulation and the Foreclosure of Politics ''Jodi Dean''<br /> 32 Ten Theses on Politics<br />''Jacques Rancière''<br /> 33 A Contradiction between Matter and Form<br />''Claus Peter Ortlieb''<br /> 34 Misery and Debt: On the Logic and History of Surplus Populations and Surplus Capital<br />''Aaron Benanav and John Clegg''Sources<br /> Index</div>


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