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Videos/Slavoj Zizek/Slavoj Zizek

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=Slavoj Žižek=

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* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/capitalism-and-its-threats/ ‘Capitalism and its Threats’ by Slavoj Žižek | 17th June 2018]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/disorder-under-heaven-egs/ ‘Disorder Under Heaven’ by Slavoj Žižek | 13 June 2019 | European Graduate School]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/on-your-marx-the-fate-of-the-commons-a-trotskyite-view/ ‘On Your Marx: The Fate of the Commons: A Trotskyite View’ by Slavoj Žižek]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/philosophy-and-communism/ ‘Philosophy &amp; Communism’ by Alain Badiou &amp; Slavoj Žižek | 2010 | Video]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/samuel-beckett-as-the-writer-of-political-abstraction/ ‘Samuel Beckett as the Writer of Political Abstraction ~ or ~ What Can Beckett Tell Us about Political Correctness and the Alt-Right?’ by Slavoj Žižek | 24. October 2018 | Video]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/the-parallax-of-ontology-reality-and-its-transcendental-supplement/ ‘The Parallax of Ontology: Reality and Its Transcendental Supplement’ by Slavoj Žižek]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/the-real-of-the-capitalist-illusion/ ‘The Real of the Capitalist Illusion‘ by Slavoj Žižek]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/thinking-the-human/ ‘Thinking the Human’ by Slavoj Žižek | 18 April 2019 | University of Winnipeg | Video]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/disorder-under-heaven/ “Disorder under heaven” | Slavoj Žižek, Robert Pfaller, et al]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/hegel-with-neuralink/ “Hegel with Neuralink, or, Will our Immersion into Singularity Save Us from the Fall?” by Slavoj Žižek | 16. April 2019 | Video]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/on-20th-century-communism/ Slavoj Žižek on 20th Century Communism (''video'')]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/slavoj-zizek-vs-jordan-peterson-happiness-capitalism-vs-marxism/ Slavoj Žižek vs. Jordan Peterson: ‘Happiness: Capitalism vs. Marxism’]
* [http://theory.local/video/slavoj-zizek/the-dash-the-other-side-of-absolute-knowing-a-discussion/ The Dash—The Other Side of Absolute Knowing: A discussion with Slavoj Žižek, Rebecca Comay, and Frank Ruda]

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