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regression (rÈgression) Freud introduced the concept of regression in longing for a protective father (Freud, 1927c: SE XXI, 22-4), and described
The Interpretation of Dreams in order to explain the visual nature of dreams. religion as 'a universal obsessional neurosis' (Freud, 1907b: SE IX, 126-7).
Basing himself on a topographical model in which the psyche is conceived of Lacan too considers himself an atheist, having renounced the Catholic[[regression]] ([[French]]: ''[[régression]]'')
as a series of distinct systems, Freud argued that during sleep progressive religion of his parents (Lacan's brother, however, spent most of his life as aThe psychic reversion to childhood desires.
access to motor activity is blockedWhen normally functioning desire meets with powerful external obstacles, which prevent satisfaction of those desires, thus forcing thoughts the subject sometimes regresses to travel regressively Benedictine monk)an earlier phase in normal psychosexual development. Like Freud he opposes religion to science, and aligns
through these systems towards "Regression," as a term, is closely connected to the term, fixation; the system of perception stronger one's fixations on earlier sexual objects (Freudeg. the mouth, 1900a: SE Vthe anus), the more likely that, psychoanalysis when a subject is confronted with the latter (S11obstacles to heterosexual satisfaction, 265)that subject will respond by way of regression to an earlier phase. Distinguishing religion from
538Example: a normally functioning woman is dumped by her boyfriend and starts over-55eating (thus regressing to the oral phase). He later added a passage to this section distinguishing between this magic, science and psychoanalysis on the basis of their different relations to
topographical kind of regression and what he called temporal Regression can result either in neurosis (if accompanied by repression) or in perversion: "A regression truth as cause, Lacan presents religion as a denial of the truth as cause of thelibido without repression would never produce a neurosis but would lead to a perversion" (Introductory Lectures 16.344).
(when In our example, the neurotic begins over-eating; the subject reverts to previous phases of development) pervert gives up men and formal subject becomes a lesbian (Eca sexual identity that Freud saw as perversion, 872though many have since critiqued him on this point), and argues that the function of sacrificial rites is to seduce.
regression (==Sigmund Freud==[[Freud]] introduced the use concept of modes [[regressio]]n in longing for a protective [[father]],<ref>Freud, 1927c: SE XXI, 22-4</ref> and described [[The Interpretation of expression which are less complex than God, Dreams]] in order to arouse his desire (Sl l, 113). He states that explain the true formula [[visual]] nature of atheismdreams.
others) (Basing himself on a [[topographical]] model in which the psyche is conceived of as a series of distinct systems, [[Freud]] argued that during sleep [[progress]]ive access to motor activity is blocked, thus forcing thoughts to travel regressively through these systems towards the system of perception.<ref>Freud, 1900a: SE V, 548 [passage added in 1914]). is not God is dead but God is unconscious (Sll, 59) and echoes Freud's538-55</ref>
Lacan argues that the concept He later added a passage to this section distinguishing between this [[topographical]] kind of [[regression]] and what he called [[temporal]] [[regression has been one ]] (when the subject reverts to previous phases of the most remarks about similarities between religious practices development) and obsessional neuro-[[formal]] [[regression]].<ref>Freud, 1900a: SE V, 548</ref>
==Jacques Lacan==[[Lacan]] argues that the concept of [[regression]] has been one of the most misunderstood concepts in [[psychoanalytic theory. In particular, he criticises sis (S7, 130)]].
In particular, he criticises the 'magical' view of [[regression]], according to which [[regression ]] is seen as a Beyond these remarks on real phenomenon, in which [[adults]] "actually regress, return to the concept state of religiona small child, Lacan's discourse aboundsand start wailing."
In this sense of the term, "[[Realregression]] phenomenon, in which adults 'actually regress, return to the state of a in metaphors drawn from Christian theologydoes exist."<ref>{{S2}} p. The most obvious example is103</ref>
small childIn place of this misconception, [[Lacan]] argues that [[regression]] must be understood first and start wailing'. In this foremost in a [[topographical]] sense of , which is the way [[Freud]] understood the termwhen he introduced it in 1900, 'regression does and not surely the phrase the NAME-OF-THE-FATHER, which Lacan adopts to denote in a[[temporal]] sense.
exist' (S2, 103). In place of this misconceptionother words, Lacan argues that "there is [[regression fundamental signifier whose foreclosure leads to ]] on the plane of [[Psychosissignification and not on the plane of [[reality]]. However, this is"<ref>{{S2}} p.103</ref>
must Thus [[regression]] is to be understood first and foremost "not in a topographical the [[instinct]]ual sense, which is nor in the sense of the far from resurgence of something anterior," but in the only example. Thus sense of "the changes wrought by reduction of the [[Symbolicsymbolic]] areto the [[imaginary]]."<ref>{{S4}} p.242</ref>
===Temporal Regression===
Insofar as [[regression]] can be said to have a [[temporal]] sense, it does not involve the [[subject]] "going back in [[time]]," but rather a rearticulation of certain [[demand]]s:
"[[Regression]] shows nothing other than a [[return]] to the present of [[signifier]]s used in [[demand]]s for which there is a prescription."<ref>{{E}} p.255</ref>
[[Regression]] to the [[oral stage]], for example, is to be understood in terms of the articulation of oral [[demand]]s (the [[demand]] to be fed, evident in the [[demand]] for the [[analyst]] to supply [[interpretation]]s).
When understood in this sense, [[Lacan]] reaffirms the importance of [[regression]] in [[psychoanalytic treatment]], arguing that [[regression]] to the [[anal stage]], for example, is so important that no [[analysis]] which has not encoutnered this can be called completed.<ref>{{S8}} p.242</ref>
described in creationist rather than evolutionary terms, although paradoxically==More==The Latin equivalent of regression means "return" or "withdrawal"; it also signifies a retreat or a return to a less-evolved state. There is no very precise psychoanalytic definition of the concept of regression.
Lacan argues that this creationism It is actually useful to introducs the only perspective that 'allowsidea of temporality.
one It could be said to glimpse represent an articulation between the possibility atemporality of the radical elimination unconscious, the primary processes, and the temporality of God' (S7, 213)the secondary processes. In
Some analysts assign this notion a metaphoric value; it retains the seminar connotations of 1972-3 he uses the term 'God' as a metaphor for journey through time and the [[big Other]],changes that will be necessary in psychoanalytic treatment.
and compares feminine jouissance to Sigmund Freud introduced the ecstasy experienced by Christiannotion of regression in The Interpretation of Dreams (1900a).
mystics such as St Teresa The concept was necessary for his description of Avila (S20the psychic apparatus in terms of a topographical model, 70-1)represented by an instrument whose component parts are agencies or systems with a spatial orientation.
Excitation traverses the system in a determined temporal order, going from the sensory end to the motor end.
== def == The psychic reversion to childhood desires. When normally functioning desire meets with powerful external obstacles, which prevent satisfaction of those desires, the subject sometimes regresses to an earlier phase in normal psychosexual development."Regression," as a term, is closely connected to the term, fixation; the stronger one's fixations on earlier sexual objects (eg. the mouth, the anus), the more likely that, when a subject is confronted with obstacles to heterosexual satisfaction, that subject will respond by way of regression to an earlier phase. Example: a normally functioning woman is dumped by her boyfriend and starts over-eating (thus regressing to the oral phase). Regression can result either in neurosis (if accompanied by repression) or in perversion: "A regression of the libido without repression would never produce a neurosis but would lead to a perversion" (Introductory Lectures 16.344). In our examplehallucinatory dreams, the neurotic begins over-eating; the pervert gives up men and becomes a lesbian (excitation follows a sexual identity that Freud saw as perversion, though many have since critiqued him on this point)retrograde pathway.
Dreams have a regressive character due to the shutdown of the motor system; the trajectory goes in the reverse direction, toward perception and hallucinatory visual representation.
This regression is a psychological particularity of the dream process, but dreams do not have a monopoly on it.
In the section of the last chapter of The Interpretation of Dreams titled "Regression," Freud wrote that "in all probability this regression, wherever it may occur, is an effect of a resistance opposing the progress of a thought into consciousness along the normal path.
It is to be further remarked that regression plays a no less important part in the theory of the formation of neurotic symptoms than it does in that of dreams" (pp. 547-548).
In this last chapter Freud already distinguished between three types of regression: topographical regression, in the sense of the psychic system; temporal regression, in the case of a return to earlier psychic formations; and formal regression, where primitive modes of expression and representation replace the usual ones.
He also noted: "All these three kinds of regression are, however, one at bottom and occur together as a rule; for what is older in time is more primitive in form and in psychical topography lies nearer to the perceptual end" (p. 548).
This basic unity is central to his metapsychological use of the concept.
In Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905d) Freud implicitly invoked the idea of fixation, which is inseparable from regression.
In "A Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams" (1916-17f [1915]), he underscored the distinction between "temporal or developmental regression" (of the ego and the libido) and topographical regression, and the fact that "[t]he two do not necessarily always coincide" (p. 227).
Then, in the twenty-second of the Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1916-17a [1915-17]), he distinguished two types of regression affecting the libido: a return to the earliest objects marked by the libido, which are of an incestuous nature, and a return of the entire sexual organization to earlier stages.
Libidinal regression is only an effect of temporal regression, with a reactivation of old libidinal structures preserved by fixation.
At that point he asserted that regression was a "purely descriptive" concept, adding: "we cannot tell where we should localize it in the mental apparatus" (pp. 342-343).
In making this assertion, he retrenched from his earlier position and denied regression its metaphysical status, which it would regain only after 1920 with the second theory of the instincts.
It then becomes constitutive of the death instinct and can threaten to destroy psychic structures, but also becomes a mechanism that can be used by the ego.
According to Marilia Aisenstein's article "Des régressions impossibles?" (Impossible regressions?), "Freud's reticence around the notion of regression in 1917 was linked to its relation to the first theory of the instincts and the first topography.
He had difficulty in situating and formulating regression not only in topographical terms, but above all in terms of the libido and the instincts of the ego..
It then became necessary to separate regression from disorganization, as the latter was envisioned by Pierre Marty and the psychosomaticians of the Paris School..
If the retrograde movement is not stopped by regressive systems involving fixations, the end result can be a process of somatization."
Regression is indispensable to the work of psychoanalytic treatment; it implies the notion of change and is part of the healing process, according to Donald W.
Winnicott (1958).
Regression is a form of defense and remains in the service of the ego.
From the analyst's point of view, formal regression provides another way of listening.
==See Also==
* [[Defense mechanisms]]
* [[Dream]]
* [[The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense]]
* [[Fixation]]
* [[Imago]]
* [[Libidinal development]]
* [[Libido]]
* [[Maternal]]
* [[Mourning and Melancholia]]
* [[Narcissistic withdrawal]]
* [[Paranoia]]
* [[Psychic causality]]
* [[Psychic temporality]]
* [[Psychoses]]
* [[Transference]]
* [[Representability]]
* [[Sadomasochism]]
* [[Self]]
* [[Sleep]]
* [[Stage]]
* [[Suicide]]
* [[Time]]
* [[Wish]]
== References ==
* Freud, Sigmund. (1900a). The interpretation of dreams. Parts I and II. SE, 4-5.
* ——. (1905d). Three essays on the theory of sexuality. SE, 7: 123-243.
* ——. (1916-17a [1915-17]). Introductory lectures on psycho-analysis. Parts I and II. SE, 15-16.
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[[Category:Sigmund Freud]]
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