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Guy-Ernest Debord

1,908 bytes added, 00:47, 29 June 2006
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French political activist, film-maker and, together with [[Vaneigem]], the principal theorist of [[situationism]].

[[Debord]] is best known for his ''[[Society of the Spectacle]]'' (1967) which, he remarked with some pride in 1993, remained in print almost continuously for twenty-five years, ahving been reprinted every eighteen motnhs (it is still in print).

The book, which anticipates many aspectsof the work of [[Baudrillard]], describes in 221 numbered paragraphs the profound [[alienation]] in which the circulation of [[image]]s has become more important than the accumulation of material [[commodities]].

Like is no longer something to be lived, but a [[spectacle]] to be watched from a distance.

The spectacle is not merely a set of [[image]]s, but a social relationship between people that is mediated by [[images]]; it does not realize [[philosophy]], but philosophizes [[reality]].

In the [[society of the spectacle]], the concrete life of all is debased to being a speculative universe.

Even violent revolt is liable to be incorporated into the constant and constantly changing [[spectacle]].

[[Debord]]'s work is as deeply pessimistic as that of [[Marcuse]], but is relieved by the glacial elegance of his aphoristic style.

He wrote relatively little, and in 1989 wryly - and quite accurately - described himself as one who had written much less than most people who write, but who had drunk much more than most people who drink.

==See Also==


[[Category:Media theory]]
[[Category:Marxist theory]]
[[Category:Political theory]]
[[Category:Political theory]]
[[Category:Marxist theory]]
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