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1,185 bytes added, 18:56, 1 July 2006
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In the [[stage]]s of [[psychosexual development]] listed by [[Freud]], the [[genital]] [[stage]]is the last [[stage]] in the series, coming after the two pregenital stages (the [[oral]] [[stage]] and the [[anal]] [[stage]]).

The [[genital]] [[stage]] first arises between the ages of three and five (the infantile genital organization or [[phallic]] [[phase]]) and is then interrupted by the [[latency period]], before returning at puberty (the [[genital]] [[stage]] proper).

[[Freud]] defined this [[stage]] as the final "complete organization" of the [[libido]], a synthesis of the previously anarchic "[[polymorphous perversity" of the pregenital stages.<ref>Freud. 1940a. SE XXIII. p.155</ref>

Because of this, the concept of 'genitality' came to represent a privileged value in [[psychoanalytic theory]] after [[Freud]], coming to represent a [[stage]] of full psychosexual maturity.

[[Lacan]] rejects most [[psychoanalytic theory]] concerning the [[genital]] [[stage]], [[genital]] [[love]], etc., calling it an "absurd hymn to the [[harmony]] of the [[genital]]."<ref>{{E}} p.245</ref>

According to [[Lacan]], there is nothing [[harmonious]] about [[genital]]ity.
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