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Popular culture and philosophy?

Is this not the way to read Žižek?

Subject of a biography: biography of a subject

This book


Who are Žižek's influences and how do they affect his work?

ŽižeA's influences: philosophy, politics and psychoanalysis




The Imaginary

The Symbolic

The Real

The philosopher of the Real

What is a subject and why is it so important?

The cogito The cogito and the post-structuralists Madness: the vanishing roediator between nature and culture The birth of God: reading the cog ito via Schelling From subject to subjectivization

== What is so terrible about postmodernity The postmodern risk society The disintegration of the big Other The postrnodern superego: enjoy! Keeping it real: the return of the Other The act

== How can we distinguish reality from ideology? False consciousness and cynicism Belief machines The three modes of ideology The spectre that haunts reality

== What is the relationship between men and women? The formulae of sexuation 'Woman does not exist' 'Woman is a syrnptorn of Man' 'There is no sexual relationship'

== Why is racism always a fantasy? 'Che vuoi?': 'What do you want from rne?' LooAing through the fantasy window The ethnic fantasy The ethics of fantasy


The curse of Jacques: limitations on the influence of Žižek Leftism Universal criticism The retroactive ŽižeA