
From No Subject - Encyclopedia of Psychoanalysis
Revision as of 06:50, 25 April 2006 by Riot Hero (talk | contribs)
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Setting anchors

  • headers automatically become html anchors, which can be linked to.
  • The <a> tag is not allowed in MediaWiki, so we can't do the <a name="link here">, but we can do the "id" html attribute to almost any existing tag. For example, <div id="what_to_link_to">text</div>.

Referencing anchors

inside a regular wiki link [[page#anchor_name|shown_up_as]], include the hash sign (#) and the header name or the id tag name as you have written it.


No Subject - Encyclopedia of Psychoanalysis-specific information


Go|Search|Stop words|URL|Namespace|Page name|Section
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Logging in|Preferences|User style|Special page
Keeping track of changes
Recent changes (enhanced)|Related changes|Watching pages|Page history
Diff|Edit summary|Minor edit|User contributions
Filling the page|Starting a new page|List|Table|Special characters
Template|Magic words|Renaming (moving) a page|Editing shortcuts
Talk page|Testing
Advanced templates|Array|Parameter default|Variable|Substitution
Displaying a formula|EasyTimeline|Inputbox|Uploading files|Calculation
Lists of resources
Categories|Stub types|Infoboxes|Templates|Shortcuts

This page is a copy of the master help page at Meta (for general help information), with Wikipedia-specific templates inserted. To update the general help, edit the master help page for all projects at m:Help:Anchors. For Wikipedia-specific help, there are two templates - the main template, Template:Ph:Anchors, is the extra text at the bottom of this page, before the links to other help pages. Template:Phh:Anchors appears at the top of this help page and is useful for Wikipedia-specific lead text. You are welcome to copy the exact wikitext from the master page at Meta and paste it into this page at any time.

Copies of this page on other projects, for other languages see Meta
Meta (master page)|Wikinews|Wikiquote|Wiktionary